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Gertsenshtein Tcherniakov

( a prominent political figure and scholar)

Comments for Gertsenshtein Tcherniakov
Biography Gertsenshtein Tcherniakov
Born in 1859, Mr.. a Jewish family. By the gymnasium and the beginning of time is his friendship with G.B. Iollosom, with whom he had until the end of life maintained the close relationship. In his tenure at the Law Faculty of the University of Novorossiysk, a particularly strong influence on his works have Rodbertus, the ideas which he often returned later in their academic work. Having passed the MA exam, Gertsenshtein expected to do teaching in higher education. To this period belong his first scientific work that appeared in the press: articles about Rodbertus in the "Legal Notice" and "Russian Thought" and on Henry George in Russian Thought "(1885). In 1884, Mr.. He began to cooperate in the "Russian Gazette". By teaching it the Ministry of Education was not allowed because of Jewish origin. With the assistance of Professor AI. Chuprova Gertsenshtein entered the Moscow Land Bank and, possessing special knowledge on the theory of ground credit, quickly reached a prominent position. Fifteen-year service in the bank created Gertsenshtein independent financial status and enriched it with a large stock of practical knowledge in the area of financial, credit and agrarian relations. Gertsenshtein also continued his journalistic and academic works. In the "Legal Notice", "Russian Thought" and "Russian Gazette", he continued to write, mainly on finance, credit, and in recent years and the agrarian question. In 1892, Mr.. his book "Credit for Zemstvos and cities", in 1900. - "Reform of the mortgage loans in Germany, in 1902, Mr.. - Mortgage banks and the growth of large cities in Germany ". In 1903, Mr.. He responds to the abuse at the Kharkov state and commercial banks pamphlet Kharkov collapse ". In 1904. leave two of his works: "A small loan of the works committee of the needs of the agricultural industry and the savings banks", "Recent trends in the teaching on the land loan in Germany". The last of them (master's thesis) - the main theoretical work Gertsenshtein, carefully thought out and very clearly written. Gertsenshtein analyzes the teachings of Rodbertus, . Lorenz Stein and Sheffle; stops at the Prussian attempt to impose law in the eastern provinces of the Kingdom of peasant land tenure is not on the basis of private property, . but on other grounds, . legally closer to the medieval forms of land tenure; explores the various debt-reduction projects in the land,
. In 1903, Mr.. Gertsenshtein was finally approved by the assistant professor at Moscow University, in 1904. elected as an associate professor of the Moscow Agricultural Institute. In 1905, Mr.. he was elected to the vowels of the Moscow Province Zemsky assembly. In the municipal council, despite the short stay in it, Gertsenshtein managed to take a very prominent position, he was asked to chair the finance and housing commission. Gertsenshtein entered as part of a special "executive committee" formed by the City Council, and as a member of it was involved in negotiations with the workers during their conflict with the municipality. In the election of the mayor in late 1905. Identify and Gertsenshtein candidacy, but he escaped from her strong. Gertsenshtein participated in the congresses of the urban and agrarian leaders since their emergence. He has also performed in private collections, organized by the 1905. in Moscow, reports on the agrarian question, brilliantly defending the defenses right and left of the principles that later formed the basis for the program of the Constitutional Democratic Party. He was a participant in meetings of the Constitutional Democrats and the agrarian question and the Chairman of the Agrarian Committee of the Party, in his party, he was a representative of the moderate flow. By this time include Gertsenshtein article "Nationalization of the land", "Farmers Bank" and "redemption operations, included in the collection" The Agrarian Question "(published Dolgorukova and Petrunkevich, MA, 1905). During the elections in the first State Duma Constitutional Democratic Party was nominated Gertsenshtein, and he was elected from the city of Moscow, along with Muromtseva, Kokoshkin and Saveliev. In the State Duma Gertsenshtein performed infrequently, but almost all of his performances have been significant developments. On the agrarian question, . forms the chief object of his studies in the course of his parliamentary activities (Gertsenshtein was chairman of the first, . main agricultural commission subcommittee of the State Duma), . He spoke in a general meeting of the Duma three times,
. First the speech he delivered 18 May 1906, objecting to the declaration of the Government, announcing the beginning of compulsory acquisition unacceptable and responding at the same time to the speech of his fellow party members, professors, LA. Petrazhitsky voiced fears for the future of our culture in the case of turning Russia into the country only farm. His second agrarian question Gertsenshtein said on May 19 in response to Chief Governor land management and agriculture, A.S. Stishinskomu, and Assistant Minister of Internal Affairs, VI. Gurko. Gertsenshtein made at this time not so much on his own initiative, but by the unanimous demand of his supporters in the Duma, including many peasants. The second question is more vivid polemic than the first. His third agrarian question Gertsenshtein said on 23 May and again in her controversy with VI. Gurko and A.S. Stishinskim. Gertsenshtein was also a member of the finance committee, budget committee and the appropriation of funds for food aid to the population. After the dissolution of the Duma Gertsenshtein with his political friends signed the so-called "Vyborg Manifesto". Then he and his family settled in Terioki on the Baltic coast and here July 14, 1906, Mr.. during the walk was killed. One of the co-conspirators, Alexander Polovnyov, was convicted of the Finnish court, but later pardoned. L. Jurowski.

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Gertsenshtein Tcherniakov, photo, biography
Gertsenshtein Tcherniakov, photo, biography Gertsenshtein Tcherniakov  a prominent political figure and scholar, photo, biography
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