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Hilferding Alexander Fedorovich

( famous Slavic)

Comments for Hilferding Alexander Fedorovich
Biography Hilferding Alexander Fedorovich
(1831 - 1872). He graduated from the course at Moscow University on History and Philology. On orders Khomyakova began studying Sanskrit language and placed in 1853, Mr.. in Izvestia II Division of the Academy of Sciences "article:" On the affinity of the Slavic language from the Sanskrit ". After receiving a master's degree for his thesis: "On the relations of the Slavic language to other related", . he published in The Moscow News "and" Russian Conversation "Letters on the history of the Serbs and the Bulgarians" (in "Collected Works" of his work that appeared in the amended form) in Moskvityanin "-" The history of the Baltic Slavs "(continued in the" Archives " Kalachova; in the "Collected Works" is placed in a manuscript found further statement until the death of Henry III),
. In 1856, Mr.. Hilferding was appointed consul in Bosnia, and then wrote a book: "Bosnia, Herzegovina and Old Serbia" (St. Petersburg, 1859) - a talented sketch of past and present of these countries. In Bosnia, he initiated the collection of manuscripts, which is replenished during the trip in the late 60-ies in Macedonia. This collection purchased KHLUDOV. In 1858, Mr.. Hilferding published a pamphlet in French: "Les slaves occidentaux". When in 1863. led reforms in the Polish kingdom was N.A. Milutin, Hilferding wrote it on the orders of different projects, among other things, the project of transformation Office of Education (published in "Slavic Review", 1892). Number of articles in the "Day" and "Russian Invalid" Hilferding acquainting the public with the situation in the kingdom. Then there appeared an anonymous pamphlet of his English: "The Polish Question". In the last years of his life a. F. was occupied with the thought of a vast treatise: "The history of the Slavs", the first chapter of which appeared in the Journal of Europe "; it remained unfinished. When, in 1867, Mr.. formed in St Petersburg branch of the Slavic Benevolent Committee, Hilferding soon became its chairman. However, he was chairman of the ethnographic department Geographical Society. An important service of Russian ethnography was his trip to Olonets province to collect epics. The appearance of a collection Rybnikova aroused some doubts. Hilferding decided personally believe a collection and gathered in the field to 318 songs. "Onega epic Hilferding - an invaluable source for the study of Russian folk poetry: a careful collection of Hilferding's account differs from all other. The result of this trip was an article of his in the Journal of Europe ":" Olonetsk province and its people's Rhapsody ", which represents an excellent description of edges and singers. In 1872, Mr.. he resumed his trip, but caught cold and died in Kargopol. As a writer, Hilferding remarkable clarity, sobriety and elegance of view of language. The most intimate of his thought was to awaken the consciousness of Russian society and all Slavs. Works Hilferding published in 4 t. (St. Petersburg, 1868 - 1874); here do not include some of his philological works and "Ancient History of the Slavs". "Onega epic published in 1873,. after his death

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Hilferding Alexander Fedorovich, photo, biography
Hilferding Alexander Fedorovich, photo, biography Hilferding Alexander Fedorovich  famous Slavic, photo, biography
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