Depp Sarah Childress( Lawyer)
Comments for Depp Sarah Childress
Biography Depp Sarah Childress
after completing the course in the School of Law in 1858. enlisted in the Senate, which had reached the rank of Chief Secretary, in 1865. was appointed in Ryazan first provincial prosecutor, then Attorney District Court, and was one of the first leaders to set in motion the judicial charters 1864. From 1868 to 1875. was in St. Petersburg barrister, in 1876, Mr.. was appointed Assistant Prosecutor of the Odessa of the Chamber, and in 1877. - Friend Procurator General Meeting of the cassation departments of the Senate. Died in 1880. Since the end of 1878. Depp was the editor of the Journal of the civil and criminal law ". Depp has worked in the Journal of the Ministry of Justice and in the Journal of the civil and commercial law ", in which he, among other things, published an article on merchant ships" (1871, N 1 and 1872, N 3).