Zavadsky Vladislav Romulovich( senator known judicial activist)
Comments for Zavadsky Vladislav Romulovich
Biography Zavadsky Vladislav Romulovich
(1840 - 1910). At the end of the law faculty of Moscow University was on faculty at the University of Political Economy and Statistics, . but, . carried away by judicial statutes, . himself to a court case, . staunchly defending the basic principles of judicial reform, 1864, . While serving as chairman of the district court in Saratov (1873 - 79) was exemplary mandate Saratov court, . then adopted by many other courts (3rd ed., . 1879) and the draft general punishment for the courts, has received judicial duty for the payment of advances to pay witnesses, insisted on carrying out the law on the daily allowance to the jury, . In 1881 - 94 years. was senior chairman consistently in the Trial Chambers of the Saratov, . Kharkov and Moscow, . treated with full respect for the rights of the general assembly, . chaired by the Chambers, . and sympathetic conversion of senior chairmen in court Governors-General, . In 1889, Mr.. It was entrusted with the preparatory work on site to introduce new legal precepts in the Baltic region. As a respected jurist, . Zavadsky at the same time was a skilled leader and impartial judicial investigation for, . considered in the jury, presided over the case of Taganrog Customs (1885), . which, . after a five-week investigation, . was supplied to allow a jury in 1311 issues, . In 1894, Mr.. appointed director of the Second Department of the Ministry of Justice in NV. Muraviev, after then - Managing landmark part of the rights of the Deputy Minister, in 1900, Mr.. - Senator pervoprisutstvuyuschim Department Heraldry. In the office manager spent part of the landmark reform of the international institute of Constantine and introduced a number of simplifications in boundary record production. They compiled a comment to the laws of the simplified procedure and in the causative performance of acts (3rd ed., 1894).