Katchalov Vasily Ivanovich( Famous Artist of the Moscow Art Theater)
Comments for Katchalov Vasily Ivanovich
Biography Katchalov Vasily Ivanovich
Born in 1875, the son of a priest, he studied at the Faculty of Law at St. Petersburg University, a student, participated in amateur theatricals and, coming out of the university, became a professional actor. He played in Kazan and Saratov, and in 1901. entered the Moscow Art Theater. Exceptional natural data Kachalova - a magnificent, deep, flexible voice, graceful appearance and special, not analyzable "scenic charm" - soon made him a favorite of the public. Kachalova repertoire is extensive and varied: he played Julius Caesar, . and the Baron in "The Lower Depths" Gorky, . Ibsen Brand - and Baron Tuzenbach, . Petya Trofimov in Chekhov's plays, . Pimen in Boris Godunov ", . and Anat Leonid Andreyev, . Ivan Karamazov, . and Gorsky in Turgenev's comedy "Where fine, . there and tear ", . Chatsky, . and Nicholas Stavrogin, . Hamlet, . and Glumov in comedy Ostrovsky, . At least it means the role requires a strong, solid, impetuous temperament, as Brand, or acute artistic coinage, as Glumov. But in whatever roles Katchalov acted - dramatic or characteristic, . tinged with melancholy lyricism and humor, . in mild and moderate the game it always feels a great intelligence, . bright nobility of soul and, . often, . some sort of special note is the alarming internal dissatisfaction, . Katchalov - excellent, very exceptional for the nobility and the subtleties of the reader of contemporary poets: Blok Bryusov and other. L. G.