Klaus Karl (Karl-Ernst)( The chemist and pharmacologist)
Comments for Klaus Karl (Karl-Ernst)
Biography Klaus Karl (Karl-Ernst)
(1796 - 1864). In 1827, Mr.. He traveled the steppe between the Urals and the Volga and typed: "Flora der Wolgagegenden". Later issued a "Reise in die Steppen des sudlichen Russlands" (Dorpat, 1837 - 1838). He was a professor of chemistry at Kazan University, then professor of pharmacy at the University of Dorpat. Opened a new platinum metal, ruthenium. Print more: "Grundzuge der analytische Phytochemie" (Dorpat, . 1837, . Master's thesis), "Chemical decomposition Sergiyevskiye mineral water" ( "Scientific Notes of Kazan University", . 1839, , . 1844 and separately, . Kazan, . 1845), "On a method of obtaining pure platinum from the ore" ( "Mountain Magazine", . 1844); "Ueber die neuen Metalle in Platinruckstanden" (ib., . 1845), . "Beitrage zur Chemie der Platinmetalle" (ib., . 1847); "Ueber das Verhalten des Iridiumchlorides zu dem salpetersauren Silberoxyde" (ib., . 1847); "Beitrage zur Chemie der Platinmetalle" (1854) and others.,