Komarov, Mikhail Fedorovich( Outstanding Ukrainian bibliographer)
Comments for Komarov, Mikhail Fedorovich
Biography Komarov, Mikhail Fedorovich
(1844 - 1913). He studied at Kharkov University, was a barrister in Kiev, then a notary public in Uman and Odessa. As a young man fond of collecting folk songs, . 70-ies was popular brochures in Ukrainian; in 1883, in "The council gave a bibliography of new Ukrainian literature, . in 1903 published a book "Shevchenko in the literature and art"; in 1904 issued a bibliography Kotlyarevskogo - a collection of "At even primary memory and a bibliography NV, . Lysenko (in Kiev Elders and Dep.), In 1906 and 1912 - extensive work "Ukrainian drama; Umantsa made under the pseudonym" The Dictionary of Russo-Ukrainian ", the best from the existing dictionaries of this kind. In 1890 he published his collection of Ukrainian proverbs, conspiracies and mysteries. In Galician editions "Zorya" and "Pravda" published many articles on the history of Ukrainian literature of the XIX century. Shortly before his death published a brochure about malorossiyskom writer Morachevskii. Everywhere young people grouped around him and found in it support for the study of the Ukrainian people. "Old Oak" - under this name he was known among the Odessa Ukrainian Youth. - See. "Ukrainian Life, 1913,? 9 (Article. Doroshenko), "Radu", 1913,? 183 and 194 (Articles. Ephraim and A. Vasilko).