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Kudryavtsev Petro

( Historian)

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Biography Kudryavtsev Petro
(1816 - 1858), professor at Moscow University, a student, friend and successor Granovsky. He studied at the Moscow Theological Seminary, then at the Moscow University, on the 1 st branch of philosophical faculty. At the end of the course was a teacher of Russian literature at the Institute of the chief officers of orphans Moscow Orphanage. Moral beauty of a young teacher charmingly acted on the students, and humanity and delicacy of relationships caused him deep sympathy. In March 1845, on the recommendation of Granovsky, Kudryavtsev was sent abroad. One semester he studied in Berlin, where he listened to Schelling, one - in Paris, the rest being held in Heidelberg, Dresden, Munich, studying the works of art everywhere (cm. "Letters" to Galahov, in The Russian Messenger "). Since 1847, Mr.. Kudryavtsev was read a general history at Moscow University. Autumn 1856. Kudryavtsev went to Italy ( "Letters from Florence). Here he quickly developed consumption, and in January 1858. he died. The writer and artist, historian and psychologist, Kudryavtsev, while still a student, wrote short stories under the pseudonym A. N. (Nestroev). Prior to 1839, Mr.. He wrote: "Katya Pylaeva" (in the "Telescope"), "Antonina", "Two passions" (ibid.) and "Flute" (in the "observer in Moscow"). His intimate, sad stories Kudryavtsev soon became known, met and became close and Belinsky, who had brought him to the editor "observer in Moscow, began working in the" Russian Invalid "and" Notes of the Fatherland ". 1841 g. Kudryavtsev published in "Notes of the Fatherland" several reviews and articles there and in the "Contemporary" - the tale: "Flower", "Confusion," "tableau", "Last Visit", "Error", "Fault", "No Dawn ". All literary works are imbued with melancholy Kudryavtseva, they have affected the power of observation and subtle psychological analysis. Scientists works to break down into three divisions: articles on the theoretical and historical subjects, purely historical writings and literary criticism. In the article "On the reliability of history" (Fatherland Notes 1851) Kudryavtsev gives an excellent description of the scientists of merit Niebuhr and passionately defends the importance of history as a science. Article "On the problems of modern history" (Fatherland Notes, 1853, t. 87), caused by the speech Granovsky on the same subject, devoted to the question of the importance of artistic form in the historical works. Here Kudryavtsev shows us the history and natural science and examines the importance of the psychological method in history. In the article "The last time the Greek Independence" ( "Propylea", . 1852) Kudryavtsev parses book Babsta, . article on "Apollinaria Cydonia" (Fatherland Notes, . 1855) - a book Eshevskogo, . Kudryavtsev, which was sold in the assessment of personality and character of Sidonia the Gallo-Roman literature of V century,
. Excellent article "Ancient Roman history for the Exploration Schwegler (Fatherland Notes, 1854, t. 93) introduces the methods and conclusions of the German scientist. For purely historical issues related essay "Roman women" (1856, new edition of the "Universal Library, SPb., 1909, et seq.), Which provides a series of poetically beautiful characteristics that portray the habits of Roman society in the imperial period. The most extensive and fundamental work Kudryavtseva - "The fate of Italy from the fall of the Western Roman Empire until its restoration of Charles" (1850). In this work Kudryavtsev wide, bright and vividly reveals a complex picture of the "vitality" Lombard began in Italy, examines the emergence of Italian nationality, outlines its relationship to the papacy. The continuation of this work, an excellent monograph: "Carolingians in Italy, part of which was published in" Notes of the Fatherland "1852. The writing is not over; brought to 813 g. For new stories include "The Siege of Leiden (in" Collected papers of professors of Moscow University, 1855) and "Joseph Bonaparte in Italy" ( "Moscow News" 1855), where Kudryavtsev characterizes Napoleon, believing it condottiere. Curious about the role of personality in history, Kudryavtsev wrote a sketch entitled: "Karl V" ( "Russian Messenger, 1856). In contrast to the view Mignet, . Kudryavtsev emphasizes the importance of external events in the life of Charles, . as a political figure, . considering his political and religious ideals, in dreaming of his political plans Kudryavtsev explain away its failures,
. Pages devoted to the reformation, full of drama. "Youth of Catherine de 'Medici, written in Italian (" Russian Messenger, 1857), takes the reader into Florentine atmosphere. Truly artistic pleasure Kudryavtseva deliver articles of literary criticism and essays on the history of art. Italy, his favorite country, appears here. In "Dante, his age and the life" (Fatherland Notes, 1855 - 1856) Kudryavtsev picturesquely portrayed his childhood and youth of Dante and gave an excellent outline of Italian literature in the XIII century, in connection with the political history of Italy. Deep psychological analysis differs Etude "On Oedipus Rex Sophocles'" ( "Propylaea, 1852). Two articles Kudryavtseva: "Venus de Milo" (Fatherland Notes, 1847) and "Belvedere" (ibid., 1846) - wonderful page of his first trip abroad. In the "Belvedere" Kudryavtsev provides an excellent assessment and characterization of Italian artists in the "Venus de Milo" enthusiastically tells of his visit to the Louvre and extols the art. After the death of Granovsky Kudryavtsev wrote "Memoirs of TN. Granovsky "(Fatherland Notes, 1855), worked on the publication of his works and wrote the introduction to him:" The news of the literary works of Granovsky ". Since 1856. Kudryavtsev was one of the editors of the Russian Messenger, and the end of life led him into political review. He worked on a biography of Granovsky, but managed to write only "Childhood and adolescence Granovsky (Russian Messenger, 1858). Lectures Kudryavtseva fascinated by the poetic sense of freshness, vivacity and completeness. History for him a living force, and in the foreground stand in her cultural and historical issues. Together with the audience, he went into the public life of a certain era and opened the very process of development of historical science. "Works" Kudryavtseva published in Moscow in 1887 - 1889 years. - See. Eshevsky "On the death of Kudryavtseva (Moscow News, 1858," 9); his "Kudryavtsev, as a teacher" ( "Russian Messenger", 1858, No. 2), "Biographical Dictionary of professors of Moscow University" (h. I, p. 444); Krylov "My memories of Granovsky and Kudryavtseva (" Journal for Education ", 1858, t. III); Katkov (Russian Messenger. 1858? 1); MN. Kapustin, "Memories of Kudryavtseva (" Russian Messenger ", 1858, No. 2); obituary in The Contemporary (1858, No. 2); aq. Galakhov "Memories of Kudryavtseva (" Russian Messenger ", 1858,? 4), E. Tour "Biography Kudryavtseva (" Polar Star "); Pypin" History of Russian Ethnography (t. II, 42, 424 - 425), Guerrier "Kudryavtsev trained for his literary works" ( "Vestnik Evropy, 1887," 9 - 10).

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