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Kushchevskaya Ivan

( writer)

Comments for Kushchevskaya Ivan
Biography Kushchevskaya Ivan
(1847 - 1876). Born in Barnaul (according to other sources - in Krasnoyarsk). He graduated from high school course in Tomsk, which in the first half of the 60-ies "lived literary tradition and helped educate more than one writer". In 1864, Mr.. arrived with a caravan of gold in Petersburg, where did the whole school desperate hunger. At one time he worked extremely hard physical labor, even dragging sacks of Kalashnikovskaya wharf, dreams about the university had to leave. His fine sketches, depicting some manners and types around him ragamuffins, the manner of life relatives-Siberians, published in the "Activities", "People's Voice", "St. Petersburg Newssheet". It became a mature plan of a large ideological novel, which impeded the implementation of the material conditions. About Kushchevskaya tells them to petition the Literary Fund, . where he seeks allowance of 10 rubles: "Inspired by this work (ie novel) in a desperate struggle, and extremes, . and threw every other, and remained without a piece of bread on his luck, . I was in the hospital,
. Here, I sell a portion hospital to buy candles, often sitting hungry and working. But things were moving forward too slowly, the dark night, money is not enough to spark ". Under these circumstances, was completed Nikolai Negorev, . For a successful or Rossiyanin ", . printed in "Notes of the Fatherland" (1871, . ? 1 - 4; separate edition 1872), . main product Kushchevskaya, . entitling him to this day not only the right to recognition, . but readers,
. Against the background of the picture motion 60-ies, . embodied in a number of distinct and interesting shapes, . Kushchevskaya depicted in the proper light "prosperous Russians", . businessman careerist, . characteristic of the era, . When this type of, . According to contemporaries, . "is in a halo, even in the eyes of other publicists, . relish talking about our "industrial progress", . "economic development" and that, . that "our time - not a time of broad objectives",
. Beautiful images of child psychology and school life, . fascinating humor, . living movement of the story, . images of "new people", . especially women, . funny and charming figure Overin, . Russian Don Quixote, . selfless ascetic and eccentric, . truth seeker, . theoretical and moral, . - These are some of the reasons for the wide success, . Honored product Kushchevskaya,
. It allocated a simple, common look, devoid of any doctrinaire, and is an echo of public sentiment embodied in the new, has not yet been noted by the images. Full ideological content, it meets the requirements and aesthetic criticism. According to one of the critics, despite the bitter truth expressed in it, it was "greeted by the younger generation with far greater sympathy than the epic of all kinds of different homegrown Leo". Hope excited novel Kushchevskaya did not materialize in the future. Just beginning, he was already tired, lack of overall development of deprived him of the new broad creative problems and he worked energetically, but from all written by him during this time and nothing in the least reminiscent of his novel. He placed stories in the "Cause" and "Notes of the Fatherland" ( "not so distant places" - "Fatherland Notes, 1875," 7, the pseudonym Haydakov), wrote in the "Alarm", giving one week's feuilleton "Son of the Fatherland" and two "news". The stories he gathered in two collections: "Little Stories" (St. Petersburg, 1875) and "Unpublished Stories" (St. Petersburg, 1888), interesting now do under the curriculum vitae, which in them is. - Wed. P. Nikitin (weaver), novelist-empiricists "(Delo, 1875,? 3) and" unfinished men "(Delo, 1872, No. 2), M. Smt "-novelists photographers" (Fatherland Notes, 1873, "11 and 12); In. Gorlenko "proletarian writer" ( "Moscow Observer", 1877, "41 and 42; bio); A. Gorifeld "Forgotten writer" ( "Russian God.", 1895, No. 12, and in his book "On the Russian writers," St. Petersburg., 1912). Important biographical information in the newspaper "Siberia", 1876,? 40. Portrait in "Bee", 1877,? 15. A. Gornfeld.

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