Lykoshina Alexander( Lawyer)
Comments for Lykoshina Alexander
Biography Lykoshina Alexander
Born in 1867, graduated from the course in the Mikhailovsky Artillery School and Military Academy of Law. Contains a professor of military justice in the Alexander Military Law Academy. Published a series of articles in military and legal journals. Separately issued: "The procedure orders the sentences by military courts" (St. Petersburg, . 1896, . thesis), "Abstract of lectures on the military proceedings" (St. Petersburg, . 1900; 2 nd Edition in 2 editions, . 1913 and 1915), "The Textbook of jurisprudence for the military and cadet schools (St. Petersburg, . 1902; 3rd edition, . 1914), "The Charter disciplinary clarifications" (St. Petersburg, . 1904, 7 th edition, . 1915), . Collaborated in the 86-volume "Encyclopedic Dictionary" Brockhaus-Efron, participates in this Vocabulary, and in the Military Encyclopedia.