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Kuzma Minin Zakharievich

( One of the 'liberators of the fatherland' from the Poles in 1612, Mr.)

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Biography Kuzma Minin Zakharievich
By nicknamed Sukhorukov - one of the "liberators of the fatherland" of the Poles in 1612, Mr.. Biography of his before his speech in 1611. Unknown. Posadskij people of Nizhny Novgorod, apparently middle class, was selling meat, it seems, nothing special did not stand out from the ranks of "the brother of his, townspeople. In an era of turmoil under the Tsar Vasily Shuya, when the lower rebels threatened foreigners and men of Tushino, Minin, according to some indications, participated, as well as other townspeople, in the campaigns against the enemy, the detachment governor Alyabiev. Since the autumn of 1611. humble butcher becomes the first man in his hometown. At this critical time for Russia, . when after the death of Lyapunov his militia was divided, . and power over the country seized the Cossack governor - Zarutsky and Trubetskoy when Novgorod was already occupied by the Swedes, . Smolensk was abandoned by Zygmunt, . and in the Pskov region acted new "King Demetrius", . when in connection with this sadness, . cowardice and despair took over many, . and local and personal interests were to prevail over the general state, . - Minin deeply grieved over the disaster of the fatherland and thought about the means to help him,
. According to him, Saint Sergius had appeared to him three times in his sleep, prompting to call, and even punished for disobedience. The election of his elder Lower zemstvo about the new year (1 September) Minin understood as an indication of God's finger. In Zemstvo cottage and ideal same ashche obretashesya "he began calling townspeople poradet the fatherland and by example encouraged to donate to recruiting military men. By undertaking quickly recycled for Minin Posada joined and power, and the whole city, was made a sentence of forced collection from all the owners of the city and county "fifth-money, T. e. fifth of the property, invited in the militias homeless wanderers-of Smolensk, and selected magistrates Au Prince. M. Pozharskii. At his suggestion, Minin was charged superintendence Treasury militia. With the title "election rights", a simple Nizhegorodets became close to Prince Pozharsky, and then, near Moscow and in Moscow, and with Prince Trubetskoy, the head of the militia and formed the government in it. Taking part in all affairs of government, . Minin, . mainly, . was in charge of treasury and ensure the necessary reserves of fighting men and supplies, and money wages, . and cope with what success, . despite the difficulties of charges in a country ravaged by turmoil,
. Near Moscow, in a battle with Chodkiewicz, Minin shown and military prowess, having decided to fight a bold stroke of his own detachment. Tsar Mikhail Minin granted July 12, 1613, Mr.. dumnyi nobility and land in the district of Nizhni Novgorod. In 1614, Mr.. he was entrusted with collecting the first fifths of visitors and sales people in the capital, in May 1615, Mr.. He was in the Boyar board, Veda Moscow "during the sovereign's pilgrimage, and in December the same year, sent the prince Gr.P. Romodanovsky in Kazan place for inquest "on the former here rebellion aliens. Shortly thereafter - until May 1616, Mr.. - Minin died. He was buried in the Lower, the lower floor of the Savior Transfiguration Cathedral, where his memory is arranged in a chapel in the name of Cosmas and Damian Church, consecrated in 1852,. - The Government of attention belonged to the widow and son Minin (further offspring he had not). Legends and tales of the turmoil that began to appear in 1617, and other news show appreciation for the heroism Minin his contemporaries, in the next generation has already been composed and legends, even glorifying it. Historians in the XVIII. not give a scientific biography of Minin and handling of his case, would not reach him in his "History" and Karamzin. "Piity" XVIII century., . who loved to go for subjects to native traditions, . not created anything significant and finished on Minin, . but with the beginning of the new century appears a number of panegyrics to him in prose and in verse, . exhibited his exemplary citizen,
. This is provided manifesto 1812. First more or less scientific biography of Minin and his evaluation was for its time it H. Field 1833, Mr.. PI Articles. Melnikova (1843 and 1850) and general works on the history of the Troubles - Soloviev (in "Stories") and Kostomarov - represent a further stage in the development history of Minin. Negative characteristics Minin in "Personality Time of Troubles" (1871) called Kostomarov gave a lot of new, the answer Pogodin and very valuable articles Zabelina, later issued separately, with additions in book form: "Minin and Pozharsky. Of further literature see. especially the "Essays on the history of the Troubles, SF. Platonov and "Essay on the history of Nizhny Novgorod militia P. Lyubomirova. Most of the material of the Nizhny Novgorod Minin reprinted Archaeological Committee, in "Monuments of History of the Nizhny Novgorod movement" ( "Actions", t. XI). P. L.

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  • Kuzma Minin Zakharievich

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Kuzma Minin Zakharievich

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Kuzma Minin Zakharievich, photo, biography
Kuzma Minin Zakharievich, photo, biography Kuzma Minin Zakharievich  One of the 'liberators of the fatherland' from the Poles in 1612, Mr., photo, biography
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