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Ozerov, Vladislav

( tragedian)

Comments for Ozerov, Vladislav
Biography Ozerov, Vladislav
(1769 - 1816). He graduated from the cadet corps with the first gold medal, took part in the lesson Bender Potemkin (1789), served in the forestry department, a few years he lived in seclusion in the countryside, in the Kazan province. Ozerov was brought up on French literature of XVII - XVIII centuries, and his first poem written in French, in case he loved to play in the French tragedies. Russian writers of his first teachers were Knyazhnin and Boltin. Reading French novels and platonic love of a virtuous married woman, replied reciprocate, had an impact on the sentimental nature of his store and told a romantic tinge throughout his poetry. From the literary circles of Alexander temporary lakes was closest to the circle of AN. Venison. The first works Ozerov - odes, fables - not indicative of the poetic gift. The first tragedy of it, "Death of Oleg Drevlyane", set in St. Petersburg in 1798, wrote in the style Knyazhnin, differing more than its weaknesses than its strengths. Great success had fallen to the lot of the second Ozerov's tragedy: "Oedipus in Athens, set on the scene in 1804, Mr.. Not knowing the Greek language, Ozerov borrowed his Oedipus in Sophocles does not, as the French tragedian Ducie. Like Ducie, and Ozerov, completely changed the whole character of the ancient tragedy, losing its majesty. In Sophocles' Oedipus, . unfortunate, . but stern father, . spake the curse to their children, . a victim and a weapon of inexorable fate; at Ducie and Ozerov is weak, . suffering, . sensitive elder, . conscious of the gravity of their crimes and forgiving of his criminal son Polynices,
. Sophocles' Antigone, without any enthusiasm, calm, strictly perform their duties; at Ducie and Ozerov, it is sentimental, voluble and tearful. In Sophocles 'Oedipus' death cloaked secrecy, his tomb must remain an unknown, Ozerov, instead of Oedipus kills Creon, which is well known that he reigned in Thebes after Eteocles and Polynices. Next Ozerov's tragedy, "Fingal," the most valuable from the standpoint of historical and literary, appeared in 1805. Its content is drawn from songs Ossian: Fingal, . Bishop Morveau, . defeated king loklinskogo old quarter, . killed his son Toskara, . but defeated charm Moin, . daughter's old quarter, . which corresponds to his feelings; blazing revenge for the death Toskara, . Old quarter agrees to this marriage, . having decided to kill Fingal during the marriage, . but, . not having in this plan, . kills Moin,
. On revocation Viazemsky, . this tragedy, . in which only one tragic person - old quarter, . - Lake "with the art know how to counter the dark and vicious old quarter, . tayaschemu in heart criminal schemes, . mutual and simple-hearted love of two children of nature, . sincerity Moin, . generosity and credulity Swindle ",
. "Fingal" deeply touched the audience, especially when the role of Moin sang the famous Semenova. His fame Ozerov reached its climax when establishing in 1807, Mr.. tragedy Dimitri Donskoy ", was responsible upsurge of patriotic sentiments during the war with Napoleon. In this tragedy are many historical inconsistencies. Dmitry - not a swashbuckling hero, . which depict his chronicle, . and humble prince, . as it appears in the "Legend of Mamay: a knight of Western novels, . that the war is busy amorous adventures, . yes and the most courage he derives from his love for the lady of their heart,
. Dmitry Donskoy in love with the Nizhny Novgorod Princess Xenia (although at this time he was married), Xenia is responsible to him affection - the bride of Prince of Tver, to whom it is intended for parents and the wedding with which it arrived at the camp. On the eve of the battle Demetrius enters into a dispute with the Prince of Tver for the possession of Xenia, and quarrels with all the princes, so that they want to leave him alone to fight with Mamma. To stop the quarrel of the princes, Xenia, first wants to retire to a monastery, and then decided to go beyond even unloved Prince of Tver. After the battle, the prince of Tver, learning about the exploits of Dimitri, reconciled with him and he passes Xenia. Monologues Dimitri ( "Oh, . better to die in battle, . than the world to adopt dishonest ..."; "We will die, . since the death in battle appointed destiny ... "and others) and the story of the nobleman and the end of the battle of the victory over Mamaev (" Hand of God saved the fatherland ...") called thunder of applause, . especially when they uttered the famous Shusherin,
. Keen spectators of this tragedy and the heroes of the arguments about the subordination of women in the family, about the injustice of forced marriage, the prince's autocracy. Small deviations from the recipe psevdoklassicheskogo admitted Ozerov, called the attacks of adherents of classicism and persecutors of the sentimental school, with Prince AA. Shakhovskoi headed. These attacks, in connection with trouble at work, hard hit by the poor health Ozerov, touchy, irritability and touchiness. In 1809, Mr.. Ozerov graduated tragedy "Polyxena", which he himself considered his best work, but it is accepted by the public was quite cold. After the first presentation of "Polyxena" particularly intensified the intrigue enemies Ozerov. All this strongly acted on Ozerov: he fell into a relaxed, gradually transformed into a quiet frenzy. Death Ozerov Zhukovsky attributes of sensitivity and sadness, tested them from the envious. Bulgarin, in his Memoirs, notes that the lake was killed not so much from the "arrows of envy", but from liver disease, agreed with that and Belinsky. Aficionados Ozerov found in the person of Prince Vyazemsky, who calls him transducer Russian tragedy and its merits compared with the merits of Karamzin, a Russian prose language converter. Pushkin did not recognize the talent in Ozerov. In general, the value Ozerov boils down to that though he followed lozhnoklassicheskoy forms of drama, but introduced an element of tragedy to the Russian sentimental. His works soon became heavy rhetoric and antiquated, and in his verse there is no fluidity and freedom. His works were published in 1818 and 1827 respectively article Vyazemsky, in 1846, Mr.. - Without this article, the complete collection - in the publication M.O. Wolf (St. Petersburg, 1856). - Wed. AI. Selin "Value Ozerov in the history of Russian literature" (Kiev, 1870); Porfir'yev "History of Russian Literature" (Part II, Kazan, 1891); comments LN. Maikova in the complete edition Batiushkov (Volume I) and the message YA.K. Grog on the grave Ozerov in The Russian Messenger "(1888, No 6). The latest monograph on Ozerov: P.O. Potapov, "From the history of Russian theater. Life and work of VA. Ozerov (Odessa, 1915; review of sources and literature on Ozerov biography, literary environment and the development of creativity Ozerov).

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