Jose Simon Azcona Hoyo( President of Honduras)
Comments for Jose Simon Azcona Hoyo
Biography Jose Simon Azcona Hoyo
Born January 26, 1927 in the city of La Ceiba, northern Honduras. He served as director of the Liberal Action Front from 1962 to 1974. He was a candidate for Congress scheduled for the October 1963 general elections, which, however, were derailed due to coup.
In 1973 Ascona became the focal point Rodistskogo liberal movement, faction of the Liberal Party, and in 1975. was elected secretary of the movement in the central committee of the Party. Two years later he became a member of the Central Executive Committee of the Liberal Party as a secretary for political education, gradually rising to the post of President of the Committee in 1983.
Josö? Azcona was responsible for the organization of public relations during the successful campaign of the Liberal Party in elections to the National Constitutional Assembly in 1980. After the Liberal Party won the general elections in 1981, Ascona became general secretary of the Central Committee of the liberal movement Rodistskogo.
In the presidential election in 1982 he was appointed coordinator of the campaign, Roberto Suazo Cordova, who became president, and he Ascona gained a place in the National Congress. During 1982-83. he held two ministerial posts - first Minister for Communications and Public Works, and then transport. He left the office because of the desire of President Suazo to the centralization of the Liberal Party.
. During his own campaign Ascona was supported Rodistskim liberal movement, as well as the Liberal Alliance, a separate faction of the Liberal . In the elections of 24 November 1985 The Liberal Party won the most seats in parliament, and Ascona became president, received the highest number of votes among the liberal candidates.