. (28.08.1749, 12:00 LT, Frankfurt - 22.03.1832, Weimar)
. Since 1775, Mr.
. he lived in Weimar. For G. characterized by a tendency to universalism of knowledge (the scientific studies covering optics and color theory, geology and mineralogy, osteology and anatomy, zoology and botany) and outlook. World pictured Mr.. as a continuous metamorphosis of forms of organically developing at all levels of existence.
Unity in the movement of living forms embodied for T. in profenomene "(eg, root, stem, leaf, flower plants, like all plant species - making a living form). Throughout the reigns being polarity - the dialectic of contradictions, extremes, dynamically protivonapravlennyh penetrating each other and generate. Arguing on the one hand, a complete coincidence, the identity of internal and external ( "What's inside, and outside), visible and invisible, essence and phenomenon, GA, on the other hand, experiencing nature as secrecy, as a mystery. The true man is known only in the reflections, reflections that penetrate the entire world of nature and morality.
Symbol for F. - Is precisely what occurs imprinting "frank secrets of nature", "life-instantaneous revelation of the unfathomable"; in the symbol of "the idea is effective and unattainable," "expressed and unspoken". This explains the strong interest in Mr.. to astrology. It is known that T. determined the exact time of his birth, horoscopes druyam. Preserved information on the use of G. sinastricheskoy methods of astrology in their lives.