Pisarzhevskii Lev( Chemist)
Comments for Pisarzhevskii Lev
Biography Pisarzhevskii Lev
Born in Kishinev in 1871, graduated from the course in the Novorossiysk University in 1895. in 1896. was left at the university to prepare for a professorship. In 1898, Mr.. was appointed as a laboratory. In 1898 - 1899 years had a Master's exam and then was admitted to the lectures. In 1900, Mr.. was seconded for two years abroad, where he worked in the Institute of Physical Chemistry Professor Ostwald in Leipzig. In 1902, Mr.. lectured at the Novorossiysk University, and in 1904. was appointed professor of chemistry at Tartu University, where he is and to present. From 1896 to 1900. Pisarzhevskii worked with Professor Melikov of peroxide compounds, and with it won over the work of the Academy of Sciences Lomonosov Prize. Pisarzhevskii printed: "Thermochemical data on some organic compounds" ( "Journal of the Russian Physico-Chemical Society, . 1897); "Electrolysis metilglitsidnoy beta-and beta-metilglitseronovoy acids" (ib., . 1897), "From the field of chemical equilibrium" (ib., . 1903), "Effect of solvent on the equilibrium constant" (ib., . 1904); "Thermochemische Studien uber die Uebersauren" ( "Z, . anorg. Ch. ", . 1900, . and "Journal of the Russian Physico-Chemical Society, . 1900); "Hyperoxyde des Zirkoniums, . Ceriums und Thoriums "(ib., . 1900); "Ueber die Einwirkung von Wasserstoffperoxyd auf die Salze der Vanadin-und Uebervanadinsaure"; "Einige Worte uber die Ueberwolfransaure, . Ueberuransaure und Uebervanadinsaure ";" Wirkung von Wasserstoffperoxyd und Natriumhypochlorit auf die Oxyde von Thorium, . Zirkonium und Cerium "and" Katalyse der Salze der Uebersauren "(ib., . 1902); "Uebervanadinsaure" ( "Z, . physik. Ch. ", 1903);" Einwirkung von Wasserstoffperoxyd auf Kaliummetavanadat "(ibid., 1901. and "Journal of the Russian Physico-Chemical Society, . 1901); "Der Zustand einiger Uebersauren und ihrer Salze in Losung" (ib., . 1903); "Der Einfluss des Losungsmittels auf die Gleichgewichtskonstantie und die Beziehung zwischen dem elektrischen Leitvermogen und der innern Reibung" (ib., . 1905) and a number of works, . produced jointly with the professors Melikov, . Tanatar and Petrenko-Kritchenko.,