Popovsky Nicholas Nikitich( Professor elokventsii and Master of Philosophy)
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Biography Popovsky Nicholas Nikitich
(1730 - 1760), a graduate theological seminary and university academic, student M.V. University, who thought highly of his first literary efforts, and recommended it I.I. Shuvalov. In 1753, Mr.. Popovsky was konrektorom academic high school, and in 1755, Mr.. appointed to the Moscow University to read philosophy lectures ", which opened a speech on the benefits and importance of theoretical philosophy" (Moscow, 1755). Looking at the philosophy, . as "the image of the temple of the universe", . and recognizing her "moral value to act primarily on the people fell away from God", . He attacked the domination of philosophy of the Latin language and insisted on the need to teach it in Russian, . Reading and then lectures on "elokventsii, Popovsky has written in verse and prose, differing, for their time, strength and fluidity of language. His "Letter on the benefits of science and the education of youth in the add, write to I.I. Shuvalov (1756, in the Alexandrine), proving the need for science education - one of the most remarkable didactic works of Lomonosov period. Other works of the priest: "Ode to the accession to the throne of Elizabeth" (1754) and "Eulogy of Elizabeth" (1756). Of the translations of his contemporaries particularly valued made with the French language translation in verse "Essay on Man" Popa (up to 1802. four editions). Many moved Popovsky odes and satires of Horace, in publishing his translations of "useful entertainment" Kheraskov, along with his own translation Goratsieva message to Piso "De arte poetica", they came out in book form in 1801, Mr.. Popovsky first began to publish "Moscow News" and was in charge of editorial. See. Shevyrev "Biographical Dictionary of professors of Moscow University", his "History of Moscow University", SA. Vengerov "Russian Poetry" (t. I), in. P-in.