Gabrichevsky Alexander G.( theoretician and art historian, literary critic and translator.)
Comments for Gabrichevsky Alexander G.
Biography Gabrichevsky Alexander G.
(6/18.8.1891 - 3.9.1968)
Information Window Chil-art. Akad Faculty of History and Philology. Faculty of Moscow. Zap (1915). Read history and theory of art in Moscow. un-te (1918-25, 1949-52), in VHUTEMAS (since 1925). Head. Dept.. history and theory of architecture (1935), Professor. (1940), Corresponding Member. Acad. Architecture of the USSR (1941), at the same time, under his hand. (often in his re-waters and its commentaries) published the works of the classical architecture of antiquity and the revival of behavior (Alberti, Vitruvius, Palladio, Vasari and others). Faculty of History and literature. works are devoted to Goethe, translated the book. G. Simmel's "Goethe" (Moscow, 1928), "Feast" Dante (Moscow, 1968). In the main teoret. Proceedings G. razrabaty-shaft "philosophy of spatial arts. (Adapted from the book.: Russian Philosophy. Small Collegiate Dictionary. Moscow, 1995)
Teaching in the major theoretical writings G. developed the 'philosophy of spatial arts' (the philosophical foundation of the theory of spatial arts), . objective of which (in contrast to the aesthetics and theory of art) was 'phenomenological analysis of the immediate givens of art as such', . in the study of spatial forms of art in the 'ideal cut' regardless of 'concrete historical realization', . (Mazur P. in the book.: Russian Philosophy. Small Collegiate Dictionary. M., 1995. S. 116).
Major works of space and time / / NA. 1994,? 3
Compositions space and weight in the architecture / / Art. 1923. ? 1, the question of the structure of the artist. image in the architecture, ibid. 1927. Kn. 2-3; the surface and the plane / / Tr. Section of Art Inst of Archeology and Art History RANIION. M., 1928. Tech. 2; Portrait as a problem of image / / Art portrait. M., 1928, issue archives, architectural synthesis as a mutual organization of mass and space / / Architecture of the USSR. 1989. ? 1, Art / / A.G.G., 1891-1968; to the 100-th anniversary. M., 1992; Picturesque ibid; the space and time / / NA. 1994,? 3; Clothing and building Vopr. Art. 1994. ? 2-3; theory and research, thorium architecture: Izbr. op. Kiev, 1993.
A.G.G. Literature, 1891-1968: To the 100 anniversary of birth. Moscow, 1992 (bibl. mp. G., lit-ra of G.); Gavryushin N.K. Eros spatiality: L.G.G. and Russian. Aesthetics 1920. / NA. 1994. ? 3; Pogodin F. A.G.G. (1891-1968): Life and the image / / Ibid; Revzin G. On the specifics of Philosophy. position A.G.G. / VYa. 1994. ? 4.