Zadonsky Tikhon( Orthodox thinker, ecclesiastical writer.)
Comments for Zadonsky Tikhon
Biography Zadonsky Tikhon
(1724-13/24.8.1783) Overview In 1748, Mr.. adopted schema, became bishop of Voronezh. In 1767, Mr.. Zadonsky retired to a monastery. Basic Fixes. cit.: 'Flesh and Spirit', 'On the True Christianity', 'Treasure of the spiritual, from the world gather', 'Sermons summary', 'The cellular Letters', 'Manual monastics', 'Manual of Christian'. Defended the idea of the transfiguration of life through her mystical. comprehension. Canonized. (Adapted from the book.: Russian Philosophy. Small Collegiate Dictionary. Moscow, 1995)
Teaching T.Z. opened a new perspective to the ecclesiastical consciousness of his time - he was interested in 'authentic' core of life events, not alone spiritualization world. Traditional sanctification of the world, he opposed the idea of the transfiguration of life through her mystical comprehension. In many of his writings T.Z. pursued the idea that the mind without education of God - the blind, but in the light of Christ, the mind becomes seeing. (Abramov A. in the book.: Russian Philosophy. Small Collegiate Dictionary. M., 1995. S. 507). . . Major works of Flesh and Spirit: On the true Christianity, a spiritual treasure, from the world gather; Sermons brief; Letters The cellular; Manual monastics; Manual Christian; Manual turn from the vain world. . . Works of Creation ilk in our holy father TZ: V 5 min . M., 1889.
Literature Elagin NV. Life of his ilk in our holy father Tikhon, Bishop. Voronezh, the miracle worker of all Russia. SPb., 1862; Zelepuchin F. Morality is revealed to guide the works of St. T.Z. Arkhangelsk, 1900; Life T.Z. and St.. Trifon. MA, 1900; Florovsky G. Ways Russian. Theology. Paris, 1937; Zenkovsky VV. Russian History. Philosophy. Paris, 1948.