RIGA, Ivan Stepanovich( logician, author of one of the first textbook in Russia on the logic.)
Comments for RIGA, Ivan Stepanovich
Biography RIGA, Ivan Stepanovich
1759 - 1811
Information Prof./1803 / and the first rector / 1805 / Kharkov Zap. Academician since 1802. Critically revised the views Hr.Volfa.
Characteristics of views when he was a teacher in the St. Petersburg Mining School of Riga was for their textbooks' logic ':' Umoslovie, or mental philosophy, written by ... Ivan Riga. In St. Petersburg, Printing In Mountain School. 1790 '. As he himself points out, the main contents of the book Taken 'from the philosophical writings G. Golmana; a lot of other famous writers of this kind; other only from natural umosloviya' (Predisl.). Gollman - volfianets, and all other sources of Riga - in the same direction. (G. Spцєth. Outline of development of Russian philosophy. / / Vvedensky AI, Losev, AF, EL Radlov, Spцєth GG: Essays on the History of Russian Philosophy. Sverdlovsk, 1991. S. 340).
Major works 1 / Umoslovie, or Mental Philosophy. Spb., 1790; 2 / Introduction to the range of literature. Kharkov, 1806.
Works 1 / Umoslovie, or Mental Philosophy. Spb., 1790; 2 / Introduction to the range of literature. Kharkov, 1806.