MINSK Nicholas Maksimovich( Symbolist poet and philosopher.)
Comments for MINSK Nicholas Maksimovich
Biography MINSK Nicholas Maksimovich
15/27.1.1855 - 2/7/1937
Trivia Graduated from the Faculty of St. Petersburg Zap / 1879 /. However Merezhkovskys and Rozanov organized philosophical assembly in 1901 - 1903. In 1905, arrested for publishing the newspaper 'New Life'. Since October 1917 he emigrated. A development of the two ways of implementing good - the mystical and natural. . . Characteristics of views "MINSK called his theory" meonicheskoy philosophy ", because it meant the absolute word" nothingness ", contrasting it to our existence" . (Lossky N.O. History of Russian Philosophy M. 1991. S. 429)
Major works 1 / In the light of conscience. Thoughts and dreams about the purpose of life. SPb., 1890; 2 / religion of the future / Philosophical conversations. SPb., 1905; 3 / On the social issues
Works 1 / In the light of conscience. Thoughts and dreams about the purpose of life. SPb., 1890; 2 / religion of the future / Philosophical conversations. Of St. Petersburg., 1905; 3 / On the social issues of St. Petersburg., 1909.