BROOKS ADAMS (Adams Brooks)( The American historian and philosopher)
Comments for BROOKS ADAMS (Adams Brooks)
Biography BROOKS ADAMS (Adams Brooks)
(1848-1927) grandson of John Quincy Adams, was born in Quincy (pc. Massachusetts) 24 June 1848. He graduated from Harvard University in 1870, practiced law, but soon abandoned career as a lawyer, devoting himself to scientific research. Adams proposed a number of key historical ideas, . anticipating the interpretation of Max Weber of the Reformation, . theory of Karl Haushofer on the impact of geography on politics, . Charles Byrd - the influence of economy on the right, . cyclical interpretation of history Oswald Spengler and T. Veblen's views on technology, . Adams published his first book - Emancipation of Massachusetts (The Emancipation of Massachusetts) - 1887. Being a supporter of social Darwinism, he tried to interpret history as a struggle in which the fittest survive social species. He believed that the development of every society is changing at certain stages, and is cited as an example, the period of theocracy. Priests, the most conservative of the social forces that have always opposed religious tolerance. When the king of England tried to impose the principles of tolerance Puritans of Massachusetts, the local clergy spoke out against the British prelates, and Congregationalists fomented unrest in connection with the Stamp Act 1765. Oddly, it was the church, from the standpoint of Adams, to hasten the American Revolution
. Topics, . raised in the pamphlet The Gold Standard (The Gold Standard, . 1894), . were developed in the next year in the main work of Adams and the decline of civilization Law (The Law of Civilization and Decay), . in which he argued, . that society, . vacillates between barbarism and civilization, . place in several phases of its development, . From his point of view, a cycle in which we are now, will soon end. Europe will have to decline. In his prophetic essay, collected in the book of American economic supremacy (America's Economic Supremacy, 1900), Adams talked about the decline of Great Britain and warned that Russia could absorb Germany and China and conquer the world. In the book New Empire (The New Empire, 1902) predicted the decline of France. America, however, can be saved, if the business takes precedence over the state (and the right Centralization, Centralization and the Law, 1906). If the United States realized the centralization of power, here to move all the belts financial activities and trade in the world. Adams died in Boston on Feb. 13, 1927.