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Makarevich Andrei V.

( Musician)

Comments for Makarevich Andrei V.
Biography Makarevich Andrei V.
Date of Birth: 11/12/1953

"Something inaccessible, irresistibly alluring contained in the very form of an electric guitar in the Beatles turtleneck in their hair. In this sense, I was most unhappy of our team - curly hair and did not want to take a smooth appearance Beatles. To overcome this gift of nature mylilas head slightly, then put on top of the rubber cap and all that was left for the night. Other methods did not exist. I do not know how I'm not bald "(Andrei Makarevich, from the book" Everything is very simple).

Andrey Makarevich - composer, poet, singer, bandleader, "Time Machine". One of the pioneers of the national rock-music. It has been instructive way of the poet, whose poems were discussing "the young man contemplating zhite" to respectable bourgeois - TV host, businessman, owner of the trademark "Relish". Not so long ago, finally won the curly hair, very short podstrigshis. But it was no longer associated with the desire to look like a Beatle.

Andrei V. Makarevich, born December 11, 1953. His father was a famous architect, and Andrew followed in his footsteps, enrolling in school after the Architectural. On the musical career he had never dreamed, though the seventh grade mastered the guitar and founded a school group Kids. Andrei Makarevich still does not consider himself a great guitarist and singer, and in my school years and even more so. In 1969. Andrew assembled a group of "Time Machine", originally named "Time Machine", and singing himself. After a short time after playing rock standards, Andrew came to the conclusion that the need to create their own repertoire. Makarevich was the main author of "Time Machine".

In MARCHI Andrew met with Alexei Romanov (later - one of the participants "Time Machine" and the leader of the group "Resurrection"). Studies were combined with operating age of musical experience. As rock music existed only in the underground, until the good is not bringing passion. In 1974. Makarevich and Romanov were expelled from the institute because of his excessive hairy. Andrew transferred to the evening department and took a job at the State Institute of Design theaters and entertainment facilities.

Since 1979, Mr.. Andrei Makarevich "working musician". Unit "Time Machine" was taken at the official rate in the Comedy Theater, and then in Rosconcert. Without television and radiopodderzhki, the group nevertheless enjoyed tremendous success. Top 80's. passed in ceaseless touring around the country. Even more strange status of "Time Machine" was after the appearance of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" article "Ragout of Blue Bird" (1982). On the one hand, the group officially condemned the organ of the Komsomol Central Committee that closed down a long road to collective television screens, on the other hand, the concerts "machines" are still held regularly and with a full house, and the group brought Rosconcert big profits.

. Musicians' "Time Machine" in those days it was easier to see in the movies than on TV
. The group has played in the film Alexander Stefanovich "Soul". The main role was written by Alla Pugachev, the then wife of the director, but by the time of start painting in the production they divorced, and the role went to Sofia Rotaru. Perhaps that is why the film had a lower response than it's Stefanovich, but caused some confusion among the faithful fans of "Time Machine". Indeed, ex-rock underground in the role of accompaniment of pop singer Rotaru looked weird. Makarevich's film career continued in 1986, when he played a major role in the movie "start over" (director - the same Stefanovic). This picture is difficult to attribute to the masterpieces of cinema, but it sounded the song "Machines".

Since that time, Andrei Makarevich are sometimes began to speak with a solo program for acoustic guitar. The repertoire is almost bard and rarely played in concert "Time Machine". Since the beginning of perestroika "persecution" on the group concluded. The plates have to republish the only existing record company "Melodia". Along with the disc "Cars" in 1989. there released his first solo album Makarevich Songs with a guitar ", containing such well-known things like" Variety "," I would like to go a hundred roads "," Oh, what a delicate dance ", etc.. Since then Andrew went solo about every three years: in 1991. a disc "The Pawnshop" in 1994. - "I paint you."

In 1996. Makarevich succumbed to the universal fashion for perepevki "old songs, especially". So on this concert program, and the album "Songs that I love:" Dark Night "," Raskinulos more widely ", etc.. Then, with the saxophonist Alexei Kozlov, Andrei Makarevich released the disc "Pioneering bawdy songs," which placed the work of his "pioneering-thug" youth. In late 1996, Mr.. on stage concert hall "Russia" concert took place "Twenty years later, commemorative dating Makarevich Boris Grebenshchikov.

Next solo record (1998) was called "Ladies' album. On the record Andrew accompanied the musicians of the "Fern". In 1999. Andrei Makarevich issued a soundtrack to Dmitry Astrakhan "Crossroads", in which the primary role played by Leonid Yarmolnik. Out in the light preceded the film skillfully simulated scene between bosom friends Makarevich and Yarmolnik. By public in press legend, Yarmolnik allegedly wanted to fulfill their own songs in the film, the composer of this offense. To mitigate the "anger" Makarevich, offered to sing a song Yuri Ilchenko. Evidence of a publicity stunt apparent when he left the CD "Crossroads". It peacefully coexist two variants - Andrei Makarevich and Yuri Ilchenko.

Andrei Makarevich never concentrates on music. "I've been doing just what I like, but that does not like, do not do" - he says. Perhaps that is why he has enough time to music, painting, teleprodyusirovanie, business, diving, traveling ... In this case it refers to everything very seriously. For example, Makarevich one of the first musicians took up scuba diving, and is now among his followers, Vladimir Presnyakov Jr., Alain Sviridov and many others. Passion for drawing led first to the design of their own solo cover plates, and then in the organization of several art exhibitions, including abroad.

. Television program "Relish", which leads Makarevich since 1993, was conceived as a communication in the kitchen with friends, are preparing a variety of dishes in parallel
. But very soon the program became the most popular culinary transfer on TV. The idea of "Relish" expanded to the whole "empire". TV Company "Relish" is now producing several programs and educational wing. In addition, under-owned Andrei Makarevich trademark "Relish" produced food.

Among other things, Makarevich talented writer, as evidenced by published them in 1991. biography "Time Machine", called "It's very simple". Unfortunately, his literary efforts (lyrics, of course, do not count) has not yet been sustained.

In 1987. Makarevich have a son, Ivan, and in 1998. "found" has grown 20-year-old daughter Dana. Currently, he is not officially married, but living in cohabiting with the journalist Anna Christmas (press attache "Time Machine"). His previous law wife was a popular radio broadcaster Xenia Strizh.

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