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Jean Paul (Janet Paul)

( The French philosopher and historian, a follower of V. Cousin.)

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Biography Jean Paul (Janet Paul)
Born in Paris on April 30, 1823. In 1841, after graduating from Lycц?e Saint-Louis, was admitted to the Higher Pedagogical Institute. In 1844 he was awarded the degree of Agrц?gation in philosophy, and in 1848 - Doctor of Literature for the work experience of the dialectics of Plato (Essai sur la dialectique de Platon, 1848). He taught at the College of Burgh (1845-1848), in high school in Strasbourg (1848-1857), taught a course in logic Lycц?e Louis le Grand (1857-1864). In 1864 he became a professor of history of philosophy at the Sorbonne, in the same year was admitted to the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences. Had an influence on his nephew, the famous psychologist Pierre Janet, had awakened his interest in philosophy
. In his concept of Janet, . Following Cousin, . developed the method of eclecticism, . Considering the task of eclectic spiritualism than a mechanical unification of ideas from a variety of exercises, . but the application of the philosophy of an objective method, . giving the opportunity to agree among themselves the data of all the sciences (Victor Cousin and his art - Victor Cousin et son oeuvre, . 1885),
. One example is the work of Moral (La morale, . 1877), . where Janet is trying to reconcile very different concepts, . as eudemonism Aristotle and Kant rigor: in the performance of duty, . From his point of view, . seen the development of human nature in the direction of its improvement,
. In this paper, psychology and metaphysics (Psychologie et mtaphysique, 1897) develops the ideas of Jean Cousin of self-reflection and introspection as the basic methods of philosophical knowledge, allowing the subject to understand his own personality and absolute. Prevailed at that time in France, interest in the development of natural sciences, . spur widely publicized the ideas of positive philosophy of Comte, . also was not a stranger to Janet and found expression, . particularly, . his thoughts about, . that achieved through self-reflection knowledge about metaphysical realities are verified and confirmed in the development of positive sciences,
. This idea was voiced, in particular, in his book Final causes (Causes finales, 1877). Peru Janet owns a number of works on the history of philosophy, other than above, . History is a moral and political philosophy in antiquity and in modern times (Histoire de la philosophie morale et politique dans l'antiquit et dans les temps modernes, . 2 volumes, . 1852); Studies on the dialectics of Plato and Hegel (Etudes sur la dialectique dans Platon et Hegel, . 1860); History of Philosophy,
. Problems and schools (Histoire de la philosophie. Les problmes et les coles, 1887, in collaboration with Gabriel Seayem). In 1857 Janet moved to French Confession of Augustine.

Among other publications Jean - Philosophy of Happiness (Philosophie de bonheur, 1862); crisis in philosophy (Crise philosophique, 1865), History of Political Science (Histoire de la science politique, 1871), Lectures on Moral Philosophy (La famille. Leons de philosophie morale, 1877), Principles of metaphysics and psychology (Principes de la mtaphysique et de la psychologie, 1896).

Janet died in Paris in 1899.

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Jean Paul (Janet Paul), photo, biography
Jean Paul (Janet Paul), photo, biography Jean Paul (Janet Paul)  The French philosopher and historian, a follower of V. Cousin., photo, biography
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