GOZHEV Alexander D.( Fizikogeograf and Geobotany, Sc.D. (1950), Professor (1950).)
Comments for GOZHEV Alexander D.
Biography GOZHEV Alexander D.
(14.III.1900, Smolensk - 4.XII.1974) He graduated from the St. Petersburg Forestry Institute. Worked the All-Union Institute of rubber and gutta-percha. Since 1931. - In Udskoe-Selemdzhinskom the expedition, he worked as research assistant of the Central Museum and the geographical PSU. Since 1950, Mr.. - Professor, Head of the Department of Physical Geography of the St. Petersburg Pedagogical Inst. Studied sands of the Middle Don, Great Barsukov, Terek-Dagestan array and Aral Karakum. Deal with the theory of physical geography of foreign countries.
Vol.: South America. 1948.
Lit.: Krasnopolsky, AV. Domestic Geographers (1917-1992). Bibliographical guide. - T. I. - St. Petersburg, 1993.