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Bliznyuk Stanislav Grigorievich

( Hero of the Soviet Union)

Comments for Bliznyuk Stanislav Grigorievich
Biography Bliznyuk Stanislav Grigorievich
(18. 11. 1934)

B liznyuk Stanislav Grigorievich - Test Pilot. Born November 18, 1934 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg Б? ). Russian. Childhood and adolescence spent in the city of Lublin (now within the precincts of Moscow Б? ).

In the Soviet army from 1953. In 1957 he graduated from Yeiskoe Military Aviation School, leaving him an instructor pilot. Since 1960 Б?  in stock.

In 1960 worked as an instructor pilot flying center Viazemsky DOSAAF in 1960-1961 Б?  duty mechanic at the airport Vnukovo Б•  Б•?. In 1961 he graduated from flight school Ulyanovsk Higher Civil Aviation. Prior to 1963 worked as a pilot in the Civil Aviation. In 1965 he graduated from the Test Pilot School.

From 1965 to Б?  flight test work in the SV Ilyushin Design Bureau (from 1987 Б?  senior test pilot EDO). Rise into the sky iprovel test passenger aircraft Il-96-300 and Il-96MO, transport aircraft IL-96T, Il-102. He took part in the trials of IL-38, IL-62M, Il-70, IL-76K, the IL-76T, IL-80, IL-86 and many others.

. In 1975, as a second pilot set 21 world aviation speed records on IL-76.

. W tion of the Hero of the Soviet Union with the award of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal Б•  Б•? test pilot Stanislav Grigorievich Bliznyuki awarded on Feb. 5, 1990 for courage and heroism, . shown during testing of new aviation technology.,

. Lives in Moscow
. Worked as deputy chief flight-lapping complex OKB named after SV Ilyushin the flight service (head of the flight test station).

W asluzhenny Test Pilot USSR (1980), Captain. State Prize of Russia (2000). He was awarded the Order of Lenin, Red Banner of Labor, Red Star, Б•  For personal courage Б•?, with medals.


Biography provided by A. Simonov


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  • UMKA for Bliznyuk Stanislav Grigorievich
  • Pages from a book unfinished. 04.05.1991, on board neauchno expedition vessel 'Mikhail Somov' (the R / V 'Somov') Captain FA. Pesyakov working in Antarctica and the final fulfillment of the season, the 36th Soviet Antarctic Expedition (hereafter SAE 36), there are reports that the research vessel 'Akademik Fedorov' (Captain M.E. Mikhailov), . in response to a fire on it (the second 36-SAE) is returned for re-repair in the port of Singapore, . and R / V 'Somov' after entering the port of Montevideo, . which takes on board food and fuel, . must follow not in Russia, . and return to Antarctica, . area art,
    . Youth and take on board more than 140 polar to deliver them to Russia. In connection with the reception on board a number of people on board R / V 'Somov' in Montevideo were removed and sent home specialists of science, engineering and technical part of the air group, as well as reduced crew of R / V 'M. Somov '. ERN' Somov 'steered back to the six continents. After heavy ice research vessel' Somov 'made his way to the area of art. Youth. 09/07/1991 in the polar night, per night, helicopters Mi-8 was produced, the evacuation of more than 150 polar with st.Molodezhnaya on board R / V 'Somov'. R / V 'Somov' headed for home, but go heavy ice has already failed and they were trapped. (At this time of year, no court icy expanses along the coast of Antarctica, not furrowed). Began epic drift - an event which is silent so far. For sailors and airmen, . working on the R / V 'Somov' has started intensive, . daily work on the preservation of the ship and aircraft on board the ship, . and if necessary, and the first becomes possible to perform a single flight - flight of the helicopter immediately executed,
    . For further evacuation polar home, delivery on board the R / V 'Somov' products and necessary equipment to Antarctica was sent to the Il-76MD, commander of the Hero of the Soviet Union S.G. Bliznyuk. Since the aircraft flew to Antarctica 'coordinator of the rescue', Hero of the Soviet Union AN. Chilingarov and Chief Russian Antarctic expeditions VV. Lukin. By the arrival of the IL-76MD in Antarctica, 19-20.08.1991 g., under conditions of polar night, airmen NES 'Somov' transported from the spacecraft at the station. Youth 140 polar and 15 crew members of R / V 'M. Somov '. 21.08.1991 r. in 11-30 hour. IL-76 CBM made prosperous landed at the airfield Evening Mountain Art. Youth, bringing polar letters and gifts from relatives and friends, food for the participants of the drift are at NES 'M. Somov 'required inventory. 22.08.1991 r. at 12.05 hrs. Having taken on board some cargo service, more than 190 (!) with the polar part of their personal belongings, the Il-76MD successfully took off, waving goodbye wings and headed for home. For the remaining of R / V 'M. Somov 'sailors and aviators began their struggle for the preservation of the beloved ship and in this struggle played a considerable role on board R / V' Somov 'pilots (flight crew, two helicopters Mi-8 - 10 people, . five in the engineering and aeronautical (Engineer - 1 pers., . Technicians - 4 pers.), . are produced at the first opportunity to fly helicopters for delivery to the ship diesel fuel,
    . Well-coordinated work of sailors and airmen, . who did their best not to repeat the 'second Chelyuskina', . rated 'deservedly': - return home after a 16-month expedition to count, and some of this money could only buy a refrigerator (in a car is not enough) - is silent about these events, . of them never remember the three Hero of the Soviet Union S.G,
    . Bliznyuk, AN. Chilingarov, flown at Il-76MD in Antarctica, for evacuation of polar home, and the captain understudy R / V 'M. Somov 'VF. Rodchenko, located at the time on board. In contrast to the first drift R / V 'M. Somov 'with 15.03. on 26.06.1985 year, the second drift in 1991 for R / V 'M. Somov 'was not only longer, . but no less heavy. This event is very briefly mentioned in a book collection of 'Russia's research in Antarctica', . by renowned polar explorer, . who was chief of the 36th SAE (when this event occurred), . LM,
    . Savatyugin. The work that went on the R / V 'Somov' from Montevideo to Antarctica in the third volume of this collection are described very simply: '7 June 1991, Mr.. R / V 'Somov', which was to carry out its third call for conducting cargo operations in Molodezhnaya able to break through a belt of drifting ice just to the edge of fast ice is already established and was trapped in the ice fields at 67gr. 11min. S, 45gr.09min.V.D. at a distance of 37 miles from the station. Ice captured the vessel lasted until 28 December 1991:. ". Understand the author of the book, which is 'so modest' to describe the events that you can - if he tried to describe this event in detail, there would be no publication of his works. The number of participants in those events is reduced. Gone from the life of Captain R / V 'Somov' FA. Pesyakov, there is already someone from his team. Fewer fliers, helicopter pilots, did everything possible to keep the 'survivability' of the ship, do not leave it without fuel during the 'ice captivity'. Maybe in the International Polar Year (2007/2008) of the event recall, . tell and will assess the incident. We invite members of the Soviet / Russian Antarctic expeditions to the dialogue about the events that they remembered or known,
    . These events are reported in abbreviated form, without the knowledge of their author and therefore belong to the category of anonymous. This information came by chance on my email address for all correspondence with the author of another party to those events, . but I am sure that these events were and they should know and remember! people pictured in the photos were participants in those events and could tell a lot,
    . Their names were mentioned in the correspondence, as well as books from which their photographs were taken. This is a collection of books (three volumes), 'Russia's research in Antarctica' by LM. Savatyugin, MA. Transfiguration and the book 'From Antarctica - only to' You 'by E. Kravchenko In. Karpiy. The book is very interesting and cognitive. Sure, . that the participants in those events could tell a lot of interest not only of those events, . but also about the hard work of polar prospectors, . especially in 'them - the year of polar', . and by future, . certainly exciting for the content of the book, . able to expand its book of memories of other participants in those events.,
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    Bliznyuk Stanislav Grigorievich, photo, biography
    Bliznyuk Stanislav Grigorievich, photo, biography Bliznyuk Stanislav Grigorievich  Hero of the Soviet Union, photo, biography
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