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( Hero of the Soviet Union)

Comments for RADA Ivan
Biography RADA Ivan
(23. 2. 1913)

And Van A. Radaev, lieutenant, commander of the machine-gun platoon of 685 Infantry Regiment, 193rd Infantry Division of the Red Banner. Born February 23, 1913 in d. Sadovke Baltayskogo district of Saratov region. Russian. Primary Education. Active military service was from 1935 to 1937. Before and at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, worked as head of livestock farm in the State Farm "Storm". In 1942 he was mobilized into the Red Army. From February to October 1943 had fought in the Central and Belorussian fronts. Participated in the Battle of Kursk, the liberation of the Bryansk and Chernigov regions and eastern regions of Belarus. Hard contused. For military distinctions awarded the Order of the Red Star (1943), Medal for Military Merit "(1943) and three other medals.

. W tion of the Hero of the Soviet Union and the Order of Lenin and medal "Gold Star" Ivan Radaeva awarded Oct. 30, 1943 for bravery and courage in crossing the rivers and the Dnieper Sozh.

. In 1945, after prolonged treatment in hospital, IA
. Pleased to receive disability, was discharged from the Soviet Army, lived in Mr.. Engels.

We Troma August 26th Regiment, which fought Radaev, went on the offensive in the direction of Novgorod-Seversky. The enemy is almost half a year has strengthened their defensive positions, so the struggle from the outset had acute. On the first day of the offensive machine-gunners had to reflect the repeated Radaeva Hitlerite. But the infantry units, supported by strong tank crushed the enemy and move forward. Especially hot battle sprang up on the southern outskirts Sevsk. Platoon Radaeva destroyed here more than 70 Nazis. Sevsk our troops on August 27 was released. For courage and bravery in the storming of the city Radaev was awarded the Order of the Red Star.

Ahead was the Dnieper - the mighty Russian river in Europe, which is inferior to its length only the Volga and the Danube. "Its great width - recalls in his memoirs, Hitler general Knobelsdorff - lower eastern shore and the high steep west, it seemed, had become an insurmountable barrier to the Russian."

. By the end of September, our troops reached the river Sozh
. Radaev crossed its first. His platoon, acting with the lead echelon, seized a small bridgehead. Fascists have taken one after the other two counter -. The machine-gunners repelled the onslaught of the enemy, destroying a three-hour battle, dozens of Nazis.

By the Dnieper Regiment came in the Loew Gomel region. Force the river on the move failed. The enemy was on the west bank of powerful fortifications. Units began to prepare for the crossing of the Dnieper. The men were building boats, rafts, conducted reconnaissance, command to select the most profitable areas for crossing. After several days of preparation for the offensive was over. Platoon Radaeva, as usual was included in the assault group, which was first to cross the.

Shortly before dawn on Oct. 15, 1943 paratroopers from the boat sailed from the eastern shore. The enemy did not suspect anything until he behaved as usual: a lighted shore missiles, occasionally firing a machine gun in the direction of our location. But by the middle of the river and the Germans saw paratroopers opened a furious fire from all weapons. Platoon Radaeva in full force landed on the shore, but the rifle company had suffered losses, the entire officer corps has failed pleased to take over command and led the soldiers to storm enemy fortifications. In a hot battle, our soldiers seized the coastal high. Radaev with a handful of brave men repulsed 12 counterattacks and held high until the arrival of reinforcements. In the latest skirmish brave officer was wounded and unconscious evacuated from the battlefield.

1) Heroes of the Soviet Union: A Brief Biographical Dictionary. V.2. M.: Voeniz.1988.
2) Rumyantsev.N.M. People legendary heroism ". Saratov. 1968

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