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Seal Ivan

( Hero of the Soviet Union)

Comments for Seal Ivan
Biography Seal Ivan
(28. 1. 1892 - 15. 8. 1978)

T Ulen Ivan - Soviet military commander, Armi. Born January 28, 1892 in the village Shatrashany now Sura District of Ulyanovsk Oblast. Russian.

The military service since 1913. participated in the 1-st world war in the 5 th Dragoon Regiment Kargopol'skogo. Full Knight of St. George for bravery and courage rewarded by six (!) Crosses of St. George (3 tbsp .- 1915, 3 tablespoons. - 1915, 4 tablespoons. - 1916, 3 tablespoons. - 1916, 2 tablespoons. - 1916, 1 tablespoon. - 1917). He graduated from the school of ensigns (1917), the Red Army Military Academy (1922), refresher courses higher nach.sostava (1929), courses of Party-Political Academy (1930).

. After the February Revolution of 1917 was elected a member of the squadron and regimental committees in the Petrograd Soviet
. During the Great October Revolution was in the Red Guards, took an active part in shaping and fighting the Red Guard in the Middle Volga. In the Civil War as commander of the platoon, . Squadron, . assistant division chief of staff, . Chief of the Intelligence Division and the Army Corps, . commander of the Cavalry Brigade fought against the Whites on the East, . Southern and Western fronts, . and in 1921 in the suppression of the Kronstadt mutiny and antonovschiny,
. For the differences in the battles was awarded three Orders of the Red Banner and the golden sword.

In 1922-1931 a separate command of a cavalry brigade, division, was an inspector of cavalry of the North Caucasus Military District, beginning. Cavalry School. Since November 1931 - assistant inspector of the cavalry of the Red Army, then head of the central apparatus of the People's Commissariat of Defense. Since February 1936 - Deputy Inspector of the Red Army Cavalry. Skillfully use their experience in the training of cavalry units and formations. Since February 1938 commanded the forces of the Transcaucasian Military District, in the post of commander of 12 Army participated in the campaign in Western Ukraine (1939). Since August 1940 commanded the troops of the Moscow Military District. General of the Army since 1940.

. During the Great Patriotic War IV seals - the commander of the Southern Front, . 28 th Army, . Odds are on standby Supreme Commander, . Commander of the Transcaucasus Military District (1941-1942), . May 1942 and until the end of the war - Commander of the Transcaucasian Front, . whose troops are in the 2 nd half of 1942 stopped the enemy on the River Terek and in the foothills of the Caucasus, . and in January 1943 was released from the enemy of the foothills of the Caucasus and the Kuban.,

. After the war he commanded the troops of the Kharkov Military District
. From July 1946 - in the central office of the Ministry of Defense.

. W tion of the Hero of the Soviet Union with the award of the Order of Lenin and medal "Gold Star" Ivan Vladimirovich Tuleneva awarded on Feb. 21, 1978, for his able leadership of the troops, . personal courage and bravery, . displayed in the Great Patriotic War, a great contribution in training and combat readiness of troops in the postwar period and in connection with the 60-year anniversary of the Soviet Army and Navy,

. Since May 1958 - the military inspector, advisor to the Panel of Inspectors General of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR
. Member of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR 2-th convocation. Died Aug. 15, 1978. He was buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy cemetery.

In the name of the hero named a street in Moscow. At home, where he lived in the capital Rzhevsky Lane is a memorial plaque.

Awarded 4 orders of Lenin, Order of the October Revolution, 5 hordes. Red Banner, Order of Kutuzov of 1 degree, "For Service to Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" of 3 degrees, medals and foreign orders, medals and honorary golden arms.

. Fighting glory Soviet cavalry. - M., 1949.
2. The collapse of the operation "Edelweiss". - Ordzhonikidze, 1975.
3. Organization and methodology of training squadron. - M., 1938.
4. The first horse in the battle for the socialist motherland. - M., 1938.
5. Soviet cavalry in the battles for the Motherland. - M., 1957.
6. After three wars. Publishing. 2-e. - M., 1972.

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