FIRMIKUS Maternus Julius (Firmicus Meternus, Iulius)( Latin writer)
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Biography FIRMIKUS Maternus Julius (Firmicus Meternus, Iulius)
Firmikus Maternus, Julius; Firmicus Meternus, Iulius, from Syracuse in Sicily, IV in. n. e., Latin writer. Place of senatorial families. Author created in 335-337 years. product doctrine (Mathesis) of 8 books on astrology, which he dedicated to his friend Lolly Mavortiyu, governor Campaign. We find it there defense astrology and explanation of the basic concepts of this science. F.M. Oil familiar with the technical details, but influenced by the Stoics and the Neoplatonists. His work was known and read in the Middle Ages. Then, in 346-350 years., F.M. wrote a treatise on the errors of pagan religions (De errore profanarum religionum), in which he called the Emperor Constantine and Constance chase pagan religions as unethical and unsafe.