JULIAN (Iulianus)( Latin Christian writer)
Comments for JULIAN (Iulianus)
Biography JULIAN (Iulianus)
Julian; Iulianus, from Eklanuma, mind. after 454 BC, the Latin Christian writer. Bishop Eklanuma near Benevento, famous dialectician, a follower of Pelagius, the most prominent opponent of August in a dispute about grace and predestination. Removed from office, went to the East, where Nestor, the then Patriarch of Constantinople, he rehabilitated. Preserved fragments of two works of Yu: Four books to Turbantsiyu (Libri IV ad Turbantium) and eight books to Flora (Libri VIII ad Florum). Subsequently. comments attributed to the authorship of books junior prophets, the Book of Job and Psalms, the latter of the above comments is the translation of the work of Theodore Moptsestii.