FILIST (Philistos)( The Greek historian)
Comments for FILIST (Philistos)
Biography FILIST (Philistos)
Filist; Philistos, of Syracuse, ca. 430-356/355 gg. BC. e., the Greek historian. Approximate tyrant of Syracuse Dionysius I (which, nevertheless, in 386 g. removed him into exile), and Dionysius II, author of historical work, known later under the title Sitsilika (Sikelika) in 13 books. Books I-VII covers the history of Sicily to 406/405 years. BC. e., kn. VIII-XIII - Board of Dionysius II, where death did not allow V. finish this last part. From the product F. only a few fragments of his information used through Efor and Timea also Diodorus. F. was recognized in antiquity, which is confirmed in his writings Cicero, Kvintillian, Dionysius of Halicarnassus.