PHOENIX (Phoiniks)( Greek poet)
Comments for PHOENIX (Phoiniks)
Biography PHOENIX (Phoiniks)
Phoenix; Phoiniks, a colophon, III. BC. e., Greek poet. Engaged moralizing in the spirit of the Cynics, using the lame iambic verse, which came into literature with Gipponaksom Ephesus. Among the surviving fragments deserve special attention: an excerpt of the poem Ning, . protagonist is, . legendary Assyrian king, . wealthy idler, . recognized, . that after death he had lost all his property and is a handful of dust in Hades, was found on papyrus fragment, . where F, . complains about the injustice of the world, because the rich often stupid, and wise men - the poor, and finally, the Song of the crow (Koronisma), literary adaptations of folk ritual songs.