Barshchevskaya Ivan( Photographer)
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Biography Barshchevskaya Ivan
Based in 1870 in Yaroslavl, he became not only the leading architectural photographer of Northern Russia, Yaroslavl, Rostov Veliky, Vologda, but also engaged in activism. So, thanks to his photographs of the Rostov Kremlin, reflecting the dire state of the monument of architecture, was taken public ruling on the restoration of the monument. In parallel, the photographer, was elected a full member of the Imperial Archaeological Society, participated in expeditions of Professor. Kondakova in Palestine and to Mount Athos. After moving to the photographer in Moscow in the 1880's, he is considered one of the leading experts on Russian antiquities, a collector and remarkable photos of ancient Russian architecture. Barshevsky participated in the archaeological and architectural cruises along the Volga, the Russian North, the Caucasus. After the revolution of 1917 he taught at the university and went on a photographic work in the museums of the Kremlin until the death in 1948.