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Gaidar, Arkady Petrovich

( Writer)

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Biography Gaidar, Arkady Petrovich
Gaidar (real name - Golikov) Arkady Petrovich (1904 - 1941), writer. Considered one of the founders of Soviet children's literature. He became one of the key figures of Soviet propaganda, have been established around the legend, had nothing in common with reality. His works until 1990. has always been key in the school curriculum and were mandatory for the study of all Soviet schoolchildren. Circulations were tens of millions of copies.

Arkady Petrovich was born on January 9 (22 NS) in the city of Kursk province Lgov in a teacher's family. Early years were in Arzamas. He studied at the real school, but when the First World War and his father was taken into the army, a month later he escaped from the house to go to his father at the front. Ninety miles from Arzamas he was detained and returned.

Later, a teenager of fourteen, he met with "good people - the Bolsheviks, and in 1918 went to" fight for the bright realm of socialism ". He was physically strong and tall guy, and after some hesitation, he took courses at the Red commanders. At fourteen and a half years, he commanded a company at Petliurist front of students, and at seventeen was the commander of a separate regiment of anti-gang "(" this is on antonovschine "). He took part in suppressing the uprising Antonov in Tambov. According to the memoirs, was characterized by a pathological cruelty, that cast doubt on his mental health. Since the Civil War Gaidar became an alcoholic, suffered from binge, he was tormented by nightmares. All my life I was prone to depression and even attempted suicide. His child's psyche could not restrain a brutal civil war.

In December 1924 Gaidar resigned from the army on the disease (after the injury and a concussion). Started writing. His teachers in the writers' craft were Fedin, M. Slonimsky, and Semenov, who pulled down with him literally every line, criticized and taught the techniques of literary excellence.

The best his writings he considered the story "PBC" (1925), "Far country", "Fourth dugout" and "School" (1930), "Timur and His Team" (1940). He traveled around the country, met with various people, eagerly drank in the life. He did not know how to write, to close the office for convenient table. He composed as he walked, pondered his books in the road, repeated by heart the whole page, and then recorded them in simple notebooks. Rodina his books - different cities, villages, even trains.

For example a case.

After finishing work on the story 'The School', Gaidar had gone from Arkhangelsk to Moscow, leaving his wife and two sons in the remote northern city.

But now settled all of publishing, 'School' was published, it is read and study. Will be printing out a book polumillonnym edition of 'Roman-Gazeta. You can go to the family, give yourself a rest.

And here he was back in town, where to create the 'School'. How not to go to friends in the Arkhangelsk regional newspaper 'Wave', which recently acquired a new name - 'true North'. Friends journalists sincerely rejoiced the arrival of colleagues, his achievements, was offered a job, gave a clear mandate - to write a good essay on Rafting.
Rafts of logs - are, of course, far from the city, on the cold northern rivers. Perform this task is not easy. But could not refuse, and besides was fascinated by the writer and journalist, a new theme.

Last summer, Sunday afternoon. His wife called the family to dinner. Good smells like boiled meat. There are other edibles. But something's still not enough for dinner. Ah, yes, pickles! I remember in early childhood in the city Lgov table at the end of the summer decorated young salted cucumbers.

Market nearby, around the corner. Arkady Petrovich promises to his wife and son in a few minutes to return with the purchase. But I must find this: in some vegetable pickle eyeing future heroes of his essay - raftsman-rafters. Obviously, was among them some of my old acquaintances Gaydar. And the writer forgets that the house getting cold lunch, begins to question raftsmen of their affairs. Rafters with bags and bags hurried to the wharf, and the writer did not depart from them, all asking and asking them question after question. And just before boarding the boat, he asked raftsmen take it to the gang at least three weeks.
One can only guess that Gaidar found a way to send home to him not expecting either today or tomorrow. He returned to the twenty-first day with a plump, tightly scribbled notebook. Facts for the essay was in excess.

This happened in the life of Gaidar's not just. Was he not a very good junior novel 'Lbovschina'. Young writer created a story about what was not a witness - on the events of 1905. Not a very good thing has turned. But, 'exported' the revolutionary theme, the story was published with the continuation of the Perm regional newspaper 'The Star', published in book form and in Perm. Been received a good fee. Arkady Petrovich decided to spend it on travel to the country without permits and travel. Company he was his own age, also a journalist, Nikolai Kondratiev. First, Central Asia: Tashkent, Kara-Kum. After crossing the Caspian to Baku.

Before coming to the capital of Azerbaijan, money is not considered, but here, in an Oriental bazaar found that travelers even for a watermelon to pay nothing. Friends quarreled. Both had 'rabbits' to get to Rostov on Don. Clothing for both worn out, holey pants had to sew a linen: In this form, no no Will you come to the editor of Rostov 'Hammer', either in book publishing house, which is already well-known children's author could help with money.

But output was found. Travelers went to the railroad train station and a few days in a row worked on loading watermelons. There was not anyone care about their clothes, since the others were dressed no better. And no, of course, did not guess that watermelons loads writer, a former commander of the regiment.

. Full of romantic adventure travel for-administer the creation story 'Riders of towering mountains', which was published in Moscow in 1927.

. When the Second World War, the writer was again in the ranks of the army, sent to the front war correspondent
. His unit was encircled, and the writer wanted to take on the plane, but he refused to leave his comrades and remained in a partisan as an ordinary gunner. October 26, 1941 in Ukraine, near the village Lyaplyavoyu, a small group of guerrillas was for food for their own caches and stumbled upon a camouflaged in the forest belt of German machine gunners. Gaidar saw them first and before he was mowed down machine gun, warned his comrades of the danger.

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Gaidar, Arkady Petrovich, photo, biography
Gaidar, Arkady Petrovich, photo, biography Gaidar, Arkady Petrovich  Writer, photo, biography
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