GALEN Clemens August Graf von (Galen)( Cardinal, Archbishop of Mц?nster)
Comments for GALEN Clemens August Graf von (Galen)
Biography GALEN Clemens August Graf von (Galen)
Galen, Clemens August Graf von (Galen), (1878-1946), cardinal, archbishop of Munster. Born March 16, 1878 in Dinklage. He began his work in the Catholic Church in 1904 as chaplain at Munster. In 1919, became a priest in Berlin, since 1933 Archbishop of Mц?nster. In 1933, sent a message to his flock, directed against the Nazi racial doctrines. Galen is constantly criticized the Nazi government for actions that it considers incompatible with Christianity. In 1941, publicly denounced the destruction of terminally ill prisoners (euthanasia). Cardinal Galen died in Mц?nster, March 22, 1946.