Klyuev (Gagin) Tatiana( Actress)
Comments for Klyuev (Gagin) Tatiana
Biography Klyuev (Gagin) Tatiana
Each of us, as a child, always looked at it and remember the amazing movie-tale "Barbara, beauty, long braid". Delete the first kinoskazochnikom Alexander Rowe, the film enjoyed not only the domestic audience, but was also recognized as one of the best adaptations of fairy tales in the world, came to the turn of the century fairy-tale world knoantologiyu. Bonnie Barbara has played in this movie, young Tanya Klyueva. Today, she - Tatiana Gagina - for many years lived in Sebastopol, believes it his hometown, although born in Moscow, where she graduated from school and GITIS, they first came on the set. Tatiana likes to talk about his friends - Sevastopol and Moscow, listing their talents and virtues, and very little about himself.
Actor's work: 1. Aqualungs at the bottom - 1965 (Adventure) 2. Varvara-beauty, long braid - 1969 (Adventure) 3. The strongest - 1973 (Cartoon / Fairy Tale) 4. Meet at the fountain - 1976 (Romantic Comedy)
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Oi for Klyuev (Gagin) Tatiana |
what big eyes! |