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( Theater and film actor)

Photo Gallery STRAKHOV Daniil (12)
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Biography STRAKHOV Daniil
Winner of the prize for Best Actor at the festival "Moscow debuts 97-98" (1998, Prince Ableukhov, play "Petersburg")
. Winner of the Grand Prix of the Festival "Chaika" in the nomination "Fatal Man" (2001, Dorian Gray, the play "Portrait of Dorian Gray")
. Winner of the prize for Best Actor at the International Festival of Theater School in Warsaw (2002, Platonov, the play "Platonov")

. Daniil Strakhov was born on 02.03.1976, Mr.
. family, unrelated to the cinema. His mother - a psychotherapist, private practice. Dad - philologist, etnolingvist. With Daniel's own words, a rare name, he was named not by chance. His father, in 1976, engaged in scientific work related to the fate of Prince Daniil Galitsky. And so carried away the materials that her son decided to call in the prince's honor.

Currently, Daniel's father lives in Boston, writes books, publishes a scientific journal 'Palaeoslavica'.

About Daniel recalls his childhood: 'In spite of such an intelligent race, for example, a schoolboy, I was so-so. For example, not so hot any schoolboy. It is well studied until the seventh grade. Next thing is I got tired dramatically, new hobbies, and I simply ... cast learn. By the way, along with studies cast and hooligans, because until the same notorious seventh grade fought desperately. Then, there was a choice of profession: '

. Parents do not exert any pressure on his son, Daniel, and was free to choose what he would be interested, and interesting for him was the theater:

. In 1993, after graduating from high school, Daniel joined the Moscow Art Theater School
. After studying a year at the Vanguard Leontiev, he then transferred to the Shchukin School for a course Eugene R. Simon.

In 1996, as a student, Daniil Strakhov debuted in film. He appeared in a cameo in the film, grotesque, Boris Blank 'Career Arturo Ui' on the story by Bertolt Brecht.

After graduation in 1997, fear was adopted in the troupe name of Gogol. The debut was very successful. His first role - Prince Ableukhov in the play "St. Petersburg" - earned him the prize of the festival "Moscow Debuts".

Another acclaimed work of the actor was the role Chikatilo in the play 'tower Chikatillo', played them after leaving the theater Gogol. The role, to put it mildly, unusual, and Daniel naturally assailed by doubts: 'any role to play hard, be it Romeo or Chikatilo. Can not say that last play I was pleased. The feeling of a certain untidiness, of course, attended. In addition, the aesthetic problem, which poses a Actor spiked with here in the experimental. 'Tear' to the audience it was difficult. <:> From my side it was a pure experiment - play a role, which, logically, never in my life had I got. In the play a lot of profanity. At the beginning of rehearsals, it's more like a gamble. It was absolutely clear to all that will result. Besides the difficulty was the fact that this solo performance, I was constantly on the stage '.

Finally, in 2001 the fear was adopted in the theater in Malaya Bronnaya. Again bright extraordinary role. In 2001, Strakhov played Dorian Gray in the play "Portrait of Dorian Gray ', and a year later, Caligula in the eponymous play. The work of the young actor has been duly appreciated, awarded prizes. In addition, it drew attention and filmmakers:

In cinema Daniil Strakhov initially played small, and these were mainly various failures or villains. For three years he has starred in nearly quire different series and films. The most visible work can be considered Vitalik role in the crime series 'team' and Anton in the series 'best city of the Earth'.

And then came the 'finest hour' actor. Inflexible and noble Baron Korf of the series' Poor Nastya "instantly captured the hearts of not only young, avid the spectacular appearance of girls, but mature, was an expert in men's fascination for women.

. I must say that Daniel fear is always very carefully chooses the role
. Doubt it this time: 'Having received the proposal to pass tests, I have long pondered over it. Still, such a series was started in Russia for the first time and had a million undercurrents. Only one terrible word 'soap' causes any actor to reflect. But our joint partners and producers do not wish to 'Santa Barbara', a cool historical series, really positive influence on my decision. <:> Casting was carried out in two years. I got him one and a half years after the start. Samples were immediately made with sets and costumes'.

Shooting mode was very hard. Eighteen days during each month of ten - twelve hours per shift. Sometimes the actors had no sleep at home: finished in three nights, and eight in the morning next shift:

For young actors, this work became an ordeal, as well as serious school. Beside them side by side, played a 'masters' of our film, as Olga Ostroumova, Albert Filozov, Emmanuel Vitorgan:' We almost fledgling chicks, nothing but help, they are not seen. Such an attitude to work and imposes on us certain obligations and requirements - unwittingly raise height of strips, and strive to not lose '- says Strakhov.

. About his character, he speaks thus: 'Poor Nastya' - the first film where my я?п?п©п°пІ corresponds я?п?п©п°пІя? my character, and I am very grateful for this TV series
. All the roles that I was offered to him were purely anecdotal and purely negative (for example, in 'Brigade' I played a musician - an admirer of his wife Bezrukov, contrary to the rarity of a young person). And in the role Korf I tried to withdraw it from the negative into a positive character to the end, breaking the nature of the hero '.

After the release of "Poor Nastya 'on screens Daniil Strakhov was declared the next sex symbol of the national cinema. However, the actor himself in every way trying to get rid of this glory. For his attractive, 'Hollywood' looks lies a very serious actor. He is not going to repeat, use the already familiar image viewer. Moreover, he soberly assesses the fact that the glory - a very fickle thing. Today you all love, and tomorrow: To avoid that requires daily work, what Strakhov ready, because he, by his own admission, a workaholic.

After 'Stargazer', where Daniel played professional personnel scout, he starred in the series 'Children of the Arbat', which drew the attention of both audience and critics alike even before its release on screens. In the adaptation of Rybakov's famous work he got the role of Yuri Sharok, incidentally, also a scout.

His future wife, Maria Leonova Daniel first met while studying at the Schukinskaya School. They both studied in the same year. As acknowledged by Daniel, it was love at first sight. But then Masha did not pay attention to the young man in love.

Several years passed, and they met again when both were in the Theater. Gogol. Then began a serious relationship. After four years of living together Daniel and Mary formalized their relationship official.

In addition to the acting profession Maria learned to interior designer. She acted as a decorator, designed the apartments on Old Arbat. But his main work, she still believes theater. She plays in the productions of 'Fatherless' (with Daniel) and 'Russia'. She starred in the film 'One of the many'.

Photos of STRAKHOV Daniil
  • STRAKHOV Daniil
  • STRAKHOV Daniil
  • STRAKHOV Daniil
  • STRAKHOV Daniil
  • STRAKHOV Daniil
  • STRAKHOV Daniil
  • STRAKHOV Daniil
  • STRAKHOV Daniil
  • STRAKHOV Daniil
  • STRAKHOV Daniil
  • STRAKHOV Daniil
  • STRAKHOV Daniil

Photos of STRAKHOV Daniil

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    STRAKHOV Daniil, photo, biography STRAKHOV Daniil  Theater and film actor, photo, biography
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