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ZORIN Leonid Genrikhovich

( Russian playwright, novelist)

Comments for ZORIN Leonid Genrikhovich
Biography ZORIN Leonid Genrikhovich
Zorin, Leonid Genrikhovich (p. 1924), Russian playwright, novelist. Born February 3, 1924 in Baku. In 1946 he graduated from the Azerbaijan University. Kirov, in 1947 - the correspondence department of the Literary Institute. Gorky. The first book of poems Zorina (1934) was seen Gorky (st. "Boy"). Since 1948, Zorin lives in Moscow, where in 1949 at the Maly Theater staged his first play - "Youth", and in 1953 - a satirical play "Straight Talk". Play Zorina "Away" (1954), dramatically exposing social injustice, the rule of the bureaucracy, was subjected to widespread criticism for 'unilateral' image of Soviet reality

. In the play "Alien passport" (1957), . raises the question of honesty and truthfulness as indispensable qualities of a true communist, . essentially, . again, the problem of responsibility to the people of the ruling elite, . but in the aspect, . which henceforth will be the determining factor in creativity Zorina - moral, . Ethics, . dictating, . on the author's thoughts, . the whole system of thought and human behavior and society as a whole,
. In the same vein - and the placement Zorin relevant in the domestic literature of the second half of 1950-1970-ies (in t.ch. in plays VS Rozov, . 'urban' prose V. Trifonov, and others) the problem of high moral struggle began with the 'petty bourgeoisie' and 'materialism' in the minds 'of the' Soviet people (play "The End and the Beginning", . another name for "The Bright May", . 1957), . and one of the first literary revelations of bad faith in the scientific community (comedy "good man", . 1958), . and lyrical drama - about the formation of a contemporary nature of the young (See the time ", . 1960) and the confrontation of honesty and careerism in the acute period 1934-1961 (the play "Friends and years", . 1961),
. Among the numerous subsequent pieces Zorina - "Moscow Time" (1961), . number of years did not leave the Soviet scene "Deck" (1963), . "Roman Comedy" (1964), . subjected to censorship editing because of transparent allusions, . equitable discretion in the formulation of the critical problems the relationship of the artist and the authorities 'distant past' and justification of the principle of incompatibility, historical documentary, . characterized by 'objectivity and tolerance in the show rival camps, . and nravoopisatelnye, . both historical, . and on contemporary material, . play "Decembrists", . "Encyclopaedists" (both 1966), . Seraphim, . or three chapters from the life Kramolnikova "(1967), . "Coronation" (1968), . "Stress" (1969), . "Copper-grandmother" (1970), . embodying the painful days of Pushkin in the sense already indicated Zorin dilemmas confront dependent, . entangled life of the creator and authority; "Fantasy Theater" (1971), "Transit" (1972), "Pokrovsky Gate" (1974), "Royal Hunt" (1974, . staging 1977; for the last three movies shot with the same name), "The Stranger" (1976), "Treason" (1978), "Carnival" (1981), "Happy line Nikoloz Baratashvili" (1984), "Missing the plot", . "Citation", . both 1985),

. Placed in the late 1960-1970-ies in all theaters of the country's "Warsaw Melody" (1966) was a landmark in the history of modern domestic drama, not only because of its relative novelty of the literary and theatrical (the action with unflagging tension rests on monologues and dialogues of the two characters), . but also because of the relevance and urgency of the problems raised in it - the right man to love another nationality (the love of a Polish girl Gels and Russian youth Victor, . they are carried through the entire life, . unable to bring them to a happy life together because of the law, . adopted in the USSR after the war and prohibiting marriages with foreigners),
. It exposes leitmotivs (and fundamentally optimistic) thought Zorin on the distortion of power, the system of natural human nature

. Melodramatic Home, . subtle (and at the same time 'krupnokadrovaya' and conflict-contrast) psychological nuances, . soft nostalgic tone, . permeated with sadness and humor, . especially characterized by a mature writer's work, . ability playwright responsive to the 'pain points' of today's life, . his broad erudition, . propensity to free cultural and historical reminiscences and parallels, . to literary innovation and diversity of the genre (which is partly outlined and the author himself, . subdividing their play on the 'historic theater', . 'lyrical trilogy', . 'thoughtful comedy', etc.) provided Zorin is one of the leading places in the development of modern national theater,

Zorin also acts as a scriptwriter (mainly on their own plays, in t.ch. "The World incoming" 1961; "Grandmaster", 1974), translator, essayist and theater critic. He wrote novels belong to the "old manuscript" (1980), . "Wanderer" (1984), . "One Day" (1992), . story "Main Theme" (1981), . book of memoirs "proscenium" (Notes of a playwright, . 1995), . and a number of stories, . which is also the main theme of dramatic acute confrontation 'natural' man (and people) inhuman system of governance, . supported by an unwavering faith in the moral victory Zorina and final (in a historical perspective) the priority of 'good'.,

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ZORIN Leonid Genrikhovich, photo, biography ZORIN Leonid Genrikhovich  Russian playwright, novelist, photo, biography
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