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Vladimir Yu Vyatkin

( photographer)

Comments for Vladimir Yu Vyatkin
Biography Vladimir Yu Vyatkin
Vladimir Yu Vyatkin was born January 29, 1951 in Moscow. Mother: Vyatkina Evdokia Ivanovna worked as a nurse, father: Vyatkin Yuri was an invalid of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

A child, Vladimir fond of music and painting. In 1968, after graduating from boarding school Vladimir Vyatkin went to work in the press agency news (APN) as fotolaboranta, then a student artist. From 1971-1973,. served in the Armed Forces of the USSR. After military service he returned to work in the APS, where he works now as a special photographer for the Directorate photoinformation RAMI RIA Novosti.

. In 1981, Vladimir Vyatkin finished the evening department of the Faculty of Journalism, Moscow State University
. From 1983 to the present time he teaches photojournalism at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, directs the creative studio and teaches at the School of Journalism "Izvestia".

. Since 1979, Vladimir Vyatkin - a member of the Union of Journalists of the USSR.

. Since 2004, Vladimir Yu is an academician of the International Photographers Guild of the media.

. The winner and the winner of international photographic exhibitions and competitions
. Has more than 160 awards. Works of Vladimir Vyatkina repeatedly noted on the "World Press Photo" in the Netherlands, . "Mother Jones" (USA), . Great Wall (China), . sporting competitions in Switzerland, . France, . Japan, . in 2003 he received the "Golden Prize" of Saddam Hussein (Iraq), . in 2003-2004 winner "Silver Camera" (Moscow).,

. In the photographic works of Vladimir Vyatkin prefer to shoot public, social issues, art, sports, geographic and ethnographic themes.

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  • dashevskij for Vladimir Yu Vyatkin
  • as an e-mail contact Vyatkin
  • Polikarpov Zoya Ivanovna for Vladimir Yu Vyatkin
  • Vyatkin Vladimir Yurevich my dvoyurny brat.Posle death of our aunt Zhurilkinoy Alexandra Ivanovna, my family lost contact with him. Volodya otkliknis.Znayu that you have an adult son, Volodya, too, can he answer me on internetu.Pishi Zoya Polikarpov. 22.03.08 g.
  • Anya for Vladimir Yu Vyatkin
  • Zoya Ivanovna, Leave your contact information, I have it before.
  • Anya for Vladimir Yu Vyatkin
  • Zoya Ivanovna, Leave your contact information, I have it before.
  • Polikarpov Zoya Ivanovna for Vladimir Yu Vyatkin
  • Hi, Anya! I do not know, but I wrote a message voemu dvoyurnomu brother, but the response received from you, but not from Vyatkina Volodya. I would like to talk with him ... I ask you to tell him. Spasibo.Zoya I. Polikarpov.
  • Polikarpov Zoya Ivanovna for Vladimir Yu Vyatkin
  • Zoya I. Polikarpova.Moy e-mail. polikarpova_zoja@mail.ru
  • Polikarpov Zoya Ivanovna for Vladimir Yu Vyatkin
  • VOLODYA HELLO! Where are you PROPAL.ISCHU YOU ON THE SITE, BUT ANSWER NET.KAK you live? WE the relatives, for the sake of our mothers will respond. Kisses. ZOYA.10.08.08
  • Zoya Ivanovna for Vladimir Yu Vyatkin
  • Volodya hello! I saw you on TV, where you talk about liters of his brother rabote.Bravo. But about three wives, I rastroilo.Ty now one? Call to cell 8.916.423.52.45. I look forward to your zvonka.Pozvoni in memory of our mothers sester.Tseluyu. Zoya.
  • maria for Vladimir Yu Vyatkin
  • plovdiv
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