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Victoria Caroline Adams-Beckham

( singer, model)

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Biography Victoria Caroline Adams-Beckham
Victoria Beckham (Adams, mother's maiden name) was born April 7, 1975 in Hertfordshire, England. She began to dance and have a baby with his childhood dreams of becoming a star. Vicki attended a theater school, which was quite far from her home. She studied her well, she loved to act, but disappearing from the scene, turned into a quiet and closed the child, in-depth study. She always stayed calm and matter, because I taught her at school dances.

A little later, Vicki wanted to become a singer and went on many plays, sometimes it even ring up, but get a permanent job and was unable. She starred in several advertising of cosmetics, apparel shows, but it did not bring her any success, until she stumbled upon an advertisement in the magazine 'The Stage', proclaiming the recruitment of girls into a new musical-dance troupe.

. Victoria came to listen to the great delight of girls accepted it! Since Vicki was one of the participating groups''Persuasion''
. But after working in this group, Victoria realized that she wanted something more ambitious, and decided to continue the search on the side. On drying in the studio Dance Works producers finally managed to see in her a future star. So it was Spice Girls.

Under Victoria was nicknamed Posh Spice. She participated in a record album Spice (1996), 'Spiceworld' (1997) and 'Forever' (2000). Her longtime love affair with England footballer David Beckham is over the fact that the lovers were married. July 4, 1999 in Ireland, held their wedding, and shortly before March 4, the same year, Victoria gave birth to a son to her husband. Firstborn was named Brooklyn Joseph Beckham. For explanations of couples, they called it Brooklyn because Victoria discovered that she was pregnant in New York, but the name Manhattan was not very good choice.


. The creative life of Victoria did not end with marriage: in 2001 the singer released their debut album, 'Victoria Beckham', which includes already known by the single "track 'Not Such An Innocent Girl'.

. From time to time the family Beckham shocking stormy scandals, and in the press every now and then there are rumors of infidelities by David and will soon collapse of their marriage
. But the facts show the opposite: the couple had three sons - Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz - and, according to Victoria, they are going to soon zaimet daughter. 'I would very much like to wake up with David every morning and evening to dine with him. And I'm sure that in future it will be so ', - says Victoria.

At present Victoria with children living in Los Angeles, while her husband plays in Spain for the 'Real Madrid'. Recently, David Beckham signed a five-year contract with the Los Angeles Galaxy club at 250 million, and now NBC is preparing a TV reality show about the adaptation of the star couple at the new place.

singer, model

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Victoria Caroline Adams-Beckham, photo, biography
Victoria Caroline Adams-Beckham, photo, biography Victoria Caroline Adams-Beckham  singer, model, photo, biography
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