Liebenfels Jorg Lanz( religionist)
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Biography Liebenfels Jorg Lanz
Assumed the aristocratic title for the sake of raising its own credibility. Being a novice Heyligenkreyts monastery, where he remained for six years, Liebenfels interested in racial issues. Leaving the monastery in 1899, he founded the Order of Verfenshteyn (Ordensburg Werfenstein), whose purpose was to promote "purity" of the Aryan racial foundations of the nation. In his own magazine "Ostara", named in honor of the Teutonic goddess of beauty, Liebenfels championed the concept of racial purity. Despite the fact that the magazine came out irregularly, its total circulation in Austria and Germany reached 100 thousand. copies.
As Arthur de Gobineau and Houston Chamberlain, Liebenfels using pseudoscientific pompous style, continued relentlessly exaggerate the main theme for himself racial. Articles Liebenfels blond blue-eyed Aryans contrasted with "ape-like defective, vicious, useless and despicable subhumans". He likened the Nordics old Germanic gods Asinge, . Heldinge or heroes Arians Arioheroiker, . characterizing all the other races as Chandalas - a contemptuous term, . who called the untouchables in India, . - Or Afflinge (simian) or SchrItlinge (Goblins, . line), . All of human history, according to Liebenfels is a conflict between these two species, and it is impossible to elevate the Aryan race as long as there Chandalas. The review Liebenfels were filled with mystical symbols, borrowed from the old Germanic history, including the swastika.
. When 18-year-old Hitler first came to Vienna in September 1907, he was so fascinated by the magazine Cistercian monk, an apostate, that has made a personal meeting with him and begged him a few old numbers, which he missed.
. Receiving them from Liebenfels, Hitler eagerly began to promote the idea of the magazine before the public in the Viennese cafes . Many of these ideas later reflected in the pages of Hitler's "Mein Kampf".
. After Hitler came to power Liebenfels confidently said that a mentor of Hitler and what he blessed the National Socialist Movement . This statement has annoyed Hitler, and he forbade the publication of works Liebenfels.