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Zvezdinsky Michael

( Musician)

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Biography Zvezdinsky Michael
Michael Zvezdinsky (real name - Deinekin) was born March 6, 1945 in the town of Lyubertsy, Moscow Region. 'Last Zvezdinsky - not the stage name. My ancestors come from Poland, and once to be absolutely accurate, then my name should be heard in the Polish style a little differently - Gvezhdinsky. But in 1861, after rising gentry, the family moved to St. Petersburg and became a Russian, and not only by the name - in the spirit. The legacy of the grandfather I got two guitars. He was a colonel in the royal army, military construction, an expert on bridges. They shot him seven years before my birth, in 38 th year, as the former ... '

Childhood Michael Zvezdinskogo was not an easy. At the time of his birth father had gone to Poland, and raised the child's grandmother and mother - Lydia Semenovna Deinekin, who worked in the aircraft factory KB. In the summer the family lived in the country in Tomilin, winter - in Moscow, in Nastasiinsky Lane.

Michael Zvezdinsky recalls: 'From childhood I was very restless. I have been expelled from school several times, although the education I received very good. Grandma finished once the Smolny Institute, and so instead of any Moidodyr and other Soviet nonsense I have read since childhood Tsvetaeva, Gumilev, Pasternak. In the nine years I was interested in Bulgakov - read 'Running', 'White Guard'.

Even as a preschooler, Michael Zvezdinsky carried away by musical creativity, and the first of his tools were two guitars, inherited from his grandfather. Mother, looking at how the son for several hours a day, tormented family heirlooms, felt understanding and led Michael in a music school in the town of Zhukovsky. However, there have not studied the guitar, so I had to future artists of the guitarist retrain in drummer. But he was not upset. In those days the fashion was to passion for jazz, and a good drummer in a jazz band valued its weight in gold.

In the late 50's Michael Zvezdinsky of various musical groups in favor in centers of the capital of jazz - cafe 'Aelita', 'Youth', 'Blue Bird'. Among his partners in the jazz hangouts of those years were George Garanian and Alexei Kozlov, Leonid Siskin, Alexei Zubov and others. However, in this grown-up company Zvezdinsky felt vtoroplanovoy figure, it sometimes hurt that senior comrades treated him in a fatherly condescension, almost do not give him open up in full force.

Sam Michael Zvezdinsky believed that his talent is much wider than those of a framework that outlined his senior colleagues on the staff. For example, the age of fourteen he began to write songs. According to Michael, they could easily compete with his works, sounded in those years with the restaurant a stage. The theme of most of his songs was emigration, the White movement. Why these themes became the basis of the first songs Zvezdinskogo? The fact that. In addition to the enthusiasm of early works of Mikhail Bulgakov, Mikhail Zvezdinsky learned a lot from communicating with his cousin, Igor Gorozhankina, who as a graduate student, a historian, studied the history of the White Movement. Due to these circumstances in the early 60-ies Zvezdinsky wrote a cycle of songs on this theme, the most famous of which were two: 'Paris is waiting for you' (1960), 'Lieutenant Golitsyn' (1961)

. January 15, 1974 Michael Zvezdinsky sentenced to three years imprisonment for raping his girlfriend an Italian, which the KGB was sent home.

. 'Once again Zvezdinskogo arrested in autumn 1973 during a sea cruise Odessa - Batum
. And in the arrest involved the KGB. Why them? The fact that Michael Zvezdinsky while twisted love with an Italian, but such cases are within the competence of security bodies. Italiana sent home, and Zvezdinskogo accused ... in her rape and October 19, 1973 welded a new term - three years imprisonment. However, it completely sit out the singer had no chance - January 15, 1974, he was released from serving a sentence in the labor camp and sent to the construction of the national economy - on the 'chemistry'. There Mikhail Zvezdinsky worked until 1976 '.

Razzakov F. I. Dossier on stars. Behind the scenes of show business. - Moscow: ZAO Izdatel'stvo EKSMO-Press, 1999, with. 500 - 501

. December 18, 1997 hijacked a car "Volkswagen Golf 1985 release, owned by singer Michael Zvezdinskomu.

. 'Despite the fact that Michael Zvezdinsky 16 years spent in captivity, he had a recurring problem with the criminal environment
. In the mid-90's two thieves drove away in his car, but once cleaned out his office firms - have claimed nearly all equipment and records. The sad record was set in December 1997, when during the week to Zvezdinskomu and his family frequented by thieves twice.

The first wife of actor suffered Nonna, which caught on an old trick with a punctured wheel. She came into the store on Rublevskoe highway on its 'Skoda', parked it near the entrance and went shopping. There was no somewhere around half an hour. And when she returned, found that one wheel of the vehicle descended. At the same moment a woman ran up two bravery of young men who offered her services. The lady, of course, agreed. Repair lasted several minutes, and when it ended and Nonna finally sat down in the car, she found that out of the car lost her handbag. Most terrible of all was that it lay a fee for artists who performed with her husband.

Next trouble in the family of the artist occurred several days later - December 18. At this time Zvezdinskie lost car 'Volkswagen Golf' 1985 release. Actor Michael Zvezdinsky borrowed car at the time of his or her director, and she left him on the night at home on the passage of walnut. The car was fitted with two alarms, so the woman was not afraid for her safety. However, capital hijackers there locks. In the morning, the director looked out the window, the car was no. In the cabin of stolen foreign cars lay notebooks and posters with the announcement of Zvezdinskogo '.

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