The ex-Chancellor Schroeder: the EU has committed the mistake of ignoring the Russian Federation
Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder in the interview to the magazine criticized the policy of the West, and for example, Angela Merkel, with respect to Russia.
Berlin was not obligated to allow dialogues about Union With the EU, the European Commission conducted only With Ukraine, ignoring the Russian Federation, He said.
From the position of the ex-Chancellor, isolation policy of the Russian Federation, promoted by the West, is incorrect. For example, according to his statement, He, as Chancellor, would not have agreed to the exclusion of Russia from the G8." during the crisis, the dialogues are absolutely necessary, " drew the attention of the shredder.
He also said that is sympathetic to the concerns of the Russian Federation on the issue of NATO expansion." With the collapse of the USSR, the Warsaw Pact ceased to exist, however, NATO has not only survived, but has expanded greatly in the East, " says the ex-Chancellor.
in addition, Schroeder, fears of Poland and the Baltic States about the fact that the Russian Federation as if it is a danger to them, are exaggerated. According to him, neither in Russia nor anywhere else "no one is so crazy" who could question their territorial integrity.
Schroeder before criticized Western policy toward Russia. For example, a speech at the end of last year With a speech at the University of Regensburg, He said that as long as the West continues to put pressure on the Russian Federation economically or politically, lasting peace in the EU can not be.