The number of fires in ecosystems of Ukraine has grown very quickly
The number of fires in natural ecosystems of Ukraine In the current year increased by 30%, said the head of civil service on emergency situations of Ukraine Mykola Chechetkin. "greatly increased the Risk of fires in natural ecosystems and they degenerate to the level of emergency situations, as evidenced by the General Increase of these fires by 30% or on 3, 5 thousand cases of fires", he said at a meeting of the state Council on problems of technogenic-ecological safety and emergency situations, transfers news Agency. Chechetkin explained the difficult circumstances of fires on the peatlands." Complex can be seen on fires on peatlands. The increase in fires is celebrated 4 times or 215 cases, the size of fires has increased by 9 times, " he said. According to the head of the Agency, now in Ukraine continues fighting 28 fires of peat bogs.