Juncker: the European Union is not in good condition
The head of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker annual speech on the state of the European Union expressed concern about the General state of Affairs. "The European Union is not in good condition. We do not have enough Union, We are out of Europe. And we have an obligation to change it, " he said, speaking at the plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg. Juncker did not reveal what specifically he has in mind, reports the news Agency. Overall his record was saturated with the affected problems. Juncker today failed to meet the regulations of the annual speech on the state of the Union, listing the problems of the EU the European Parliament. By tradition, the commencement speech given one hour." I found myself in a difficult situation, " said Juncker, looking at the head of the European Parliament Martin Schulz." I see what the Director wants me to finish it, but I'm only in the middle of my speeches, "he said, promising" to quickly summarize the rest ". Really, for the 1st hour speech, Juncker had only to consider the migration crisis And the Euro crisis. Juncker, for example, warned that " what is happening in the Syrian Arab Republic today, can happen in Ukraine tomorrow, for this reason, we can't divide immigrants by religion, or beliefs." The EC President also said that refugees are required to obtain the right to work And earn your own bread from the first day of arrival in the EU.