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Nobel laureate Aleksievich: I am collecting information as a journalist

Tatyana Firsova. The winner of the Nobel prize for literature in 2015 the Belarusian writer Svetlana Aleksievich on the first day of the weekend met with the media in Berlin And told about gathering material For his books, works And What he thinks about the situation in their country.

The first 40 minutes of the press conference Aleksievich asked questions about politics, but not about literature. As admitted Herself a writer, it happens always - when it comes to the European Union, it asked the question mostly about the situation in the country, And not about her books. What about books, here Aleksievich often accused of practicing journalism, because her Book is built on a live interview.

"This is not the case, says the writer.- I collect material As a journalist, but working with him As a writer. We in the Russian culture there are attempts of this genre, it exists in different forms, but For me was the main one. Probably, This is due to my childhood. It was a post-war village, my parents were rural teachers ".

Aleksievich says: "women of the evenings, they gathered And talked. And since childhood, I was very impressed by the stories told by these women, It was much stronger And more entertaining of those war books that he wrote then, because then only wrote about the heroism of Soviet soldiers and the Victory. In General the truth about Winning no one knew, And yet she not only has a beautiful face, but also terrible."

According to Aleksievich, she wanted to talk about What we heard, to give a sense of the world in which he lives." we have a very strong verbal intelligence, both written And verbal. If I had not written down its heroes, It all would have disappeared, together with them, " she said. For example she was talking about his book " war has no female face ", which contains the memories of fought In the Second world war women.

review of the playwright, every person has a "piece of history" And For her it was important to try to " collect votes And novel to make of all this, "he said.

"For me It produced Ales Adamovich with 2 other writers, but he in his own that It had. We had very Many books of memoirs of women, but they had a male Canon. And when I came To him And began to talk to them not As a historical figure, But As with women who find themselves in this hell, they began telling their own live history, " she said. For this reason, According to Aleksievich, That told these women that was stronger." It was literally another, That coincided with a very modern sense of human life, " said Aleksievich.

Aleksievich told That it is working on a book for 5 to 10 years, records an interview with 300-500 people. For many years she lived abroad because I wanted to see the world And make wider your horizons.

"I saw That the world outside our borders, it is very difficult, even understood What the power of the people And freed from the illusions And romanticism of the nineties That democracy is Like Swiss chocolate to start, turned out to be no, because This is a very long work, this takes years And years," she said. According to Aleksievich, For books, on which she works, a very important relationship with the people of his time, for this reason she has returned to Belarus.

To the Belarusian authorities Aleksievich configured critical, but illusions about the Belarusian opposition does not feel in her expressions, the people really vote for President Alexander Lukashenko, And opposing political force was weak.

"why is our suffering not converted to the freedom - from that one question only can go crazy," says the writer.

Svetlana Aleksievich lives And works in Minsk. The German website of the publisher Aleksievich informs That the writer was born may 31, 1948 in Ivano-Frankivsk in a military family. Dad Svetlana is Byelorussian and her mother is Ukrainian, both worked as rural teachers.

Field completion of the school, Svetlana worked as a correspondent of the regional newspaper in the city of Narovlya, Gomel region, even in a school setting wrote poems And newspaper articles. In 1967 he became a student of the faculty of journalism of the Belarusian state University in Minsk. During his studies several times was the laureate of Republican And all-Union competitions of scientific student's works.

After the University was focused on the workplace in the town of Bereza, Brest region, local newspaper. Working in the newspaper, at the same Time taught in a rural school.

in 1983 he wrote a book " war has no female face ", two years it was not published, the author was accused of " pacifism, naturalism, the debunking of the heroic Soviet woman." In 1985 the book " war has no female face ", was released almost at the same Time in the Moscow journal " October ", Belarusian polygraphic company " Mastatskaya literature ", And then in publishing houses "Soviet writer", " Roman-Gazeta ". In subsequent years it was reprinted Many times - total circulation reached 2 million copies.

in 1989 he published a new book Aleksievich "Zinc boys" - a book about the Afghanistan war. To write four years she traveled the country, met with mothers of dead soldiers And former soldiers-Afghans. It is visited in the war, flew to Afghanistan.

the German language presents the Book " war has no female face ", " the Last eyewitnesses (one hundred grown-up stories) ", " Zinc boys ", "Chernobyl prayer, "" Time second hand ".

Book Aleksievich published in 19 countries, according to her screenplays, documentaries, theatrical set pieces.

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