A list of the most reliable laptops in the world
Consumers Union of the United States published a list of the most reliable laptops in the world. As research has demonstrated minimal user issues is called MacBook Air and MacBook Pro.
Experts publication Consumer Reports, produced by nonprofit organization Consumers Union (the customers Union of United States), dubbed the Apple of the head of the most faithful brands in the portable PC market. MacBook Air and MacBook Pro are recognized as the most reliable notebook computers with substantially lower rate of failures than the other manufacturers.
According to the results of the study, which took more than 58 thousand people, every 5th user is faced with the malfunction of the laptop in the 1st 3 years after purchase. With all this about the dilemmas of MacBook Air said only 7% of consumers, and the MacBook Pro to 9%.
Most reliable laptops Windows were recognized as the Gateway NV line with failure rates of 13%, in the case of the Samsung ATIV Book he totaled 14%, while laptop computers are Lenovo ThinkPads and Dell XPS rounded out the top three favorites with a total of 15% of the failures.
"Today, the Apple laptops can be called the most faithful: in 1st 3 years of use, people are faced with difficulties only in 10% of cases", - is told in research.
Notify MacDigger as if to declare the exact laptop companies besides Apple in the top three of the most reliable laptop manufacturers included Samsung and Gateway with 16% of the failures, however, the products of Acer, Lenovo, Toshiba, HP, Dell and Asus got the result in the 18-19%.
Regarding laptops, suffering from repeated faults, but then again Apple products are leading with a total of 42%, and on Windows laptops suffer from repeated difficulties in 55% of cases.