Prime DND called asking Russia 30 billion roubles Borisov crazy
Please Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs DND Boris Borisov about the Russian loan in 30 billion roubles was " on the verge of madness ", if the Minister of foreign Affairs of the Republic of Catherine Gubareva cannot observe their people, It shows her " negligence ", said the Prime Minister DND Alexander Borodai. Boroday very quickly reacted to the words Borisova, which called " the pretender " and " crazy ", and added That he has nothing to DND. According to the Prime Minister, DND will not request such assistance from Russia, writes " Dialogue ". In addition, Boroday expressed distrust of the Acting Minister of foreign Affairs DND Catherine the Gubareva, saying her " negligence " of the position. Answering a question, whether means This message dismissal of the Gubareva from his post, Boroday noticed That as long as this issue is not considered." We until we will not remove it from the office, but Catherine the Gubareva you should watch for their people and their statements. It was on the verge of madness ", - he said. As for a possible dialogue with the newly elected President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, Alexander Borodai said: " Dialogue with Poroshenko is possible, but only after complying with our rules - the cessation of hostilities on the square DND and LNR, " said Boroday.