Russian actor Durov is home and eats borsch
Famous Russian actor was discharged from hospital on Wednesday.
Lev Konstantinovich Durov has spent more than 2 weeks in department of emergency vascular surgery of Scientific-research institute named after Sklifosovsky. He was made operation on carotid artery. As it was informed before, actor felt poorly during rehearsals of new play "Cavalier of Roses". He was hospitalized by "Emergency" service. After examination doctors have diagnosed that an urgent surgery is needed.
Finally all worries are behind. On day of discharge from hospital doctors have removed the stitches and assigned Lev Durov the confinement to bed at least till New Year. Since carotid artery has been operated it is still hard for Durov to talk and to swallow.
Lev Durov is delighted with doctors - he is especially glad that arterial pressure has normalized after the surgery. As daughter of the actor said, returning home father took a bath and ate traditional Russian food borsch.