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Crushed spacecraft found on Mars
American scientists identified the remains of spacecraft Mars Polar Lander which was unsuccessfully launched 6 years ago.
Hew data reveals that a tint light point on Mars surface is lost sonde itself.
In 1999 Mars Polar Lander was launched to Red planet for investigation of atmosphere contents and water search on South pole. But on December shortly before planned landing connection with device was lost. The cause of failure was early engine turning off as a result of which robot hit the surface and became out of action. Crash was a hard blow to NASA: agency spent 165 millions of dollars on Polar Lander and 125 millions of dollars on its twin "Climate Orbiter" which burnt before reaching an orbit.
Mars Global Surveyor made lots of shots of Mars surface. Supposable remains of sonde were found: a light spot of oblong shape, dark area burnt by landing engines and tiny bright spot - device itself. But there were no evidence then.
Find was identified after a new generation of automatic sondes arrived to Mars surface - Spirit and Opportunity. They landed successfully on January and give interesting information to Earth scientists.
Detailed estimates revealed that places of landing of 3 devices. "There is a burnt spot on a land. Supposedly, spacecraft remained unharmed will be summer and sonde will be free of frozen carbonic acid, investigators plan to examine place of crash using technique of high resolution".
18.09.2017 |
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