"Day watch" beats Russian movie distribution records
On the background of obvious Western movie market stagnation, Russia experiences real boom.
Official web-site of "Day watch" film reports 2 680 000 people to have seen the picture by the time being.
The box office constituted $9 million during the first four days, which is absolute record in Russian distribution system, informs "Gemini-film International". The exact data concerning the film box office and the number of people who saw the picture on the first days of release is to appear on January 10.
However, according to provisional data from "Gemini-Film-International" during the first four days "Day watch" has beaten "9th troop" box office and "Matrix: Revolution". The start box office of 575 "Day watch "copies (510 of them belonging to Russian distribution system, others belonging to the SIS distrubution) constituted $ 9 million. "9th troop" gathered $6,7 million, "Matrix: Revolution" gathered $6,3 million.
Timur Bikmambetov?s film has also beaten Russian films distribution records concerning the number of people who saw the film right after the first release. Firmer record belonged to "9th troop", with the 1.6 million people who saw the film during the first four days. "Day watch" was attended by 2 million people.